Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven
Lorina's POV

Its been a week since Leo came. I avoid him as much as possible. I was finally sleeping after hours of drawing and then someone was trying to wake me up.

The intruder kept poking me. "Stop poking me before I chop off all your fingers slowly and painfully and sell them on eBay." I growled. That person kept poking me and I felt someone lie next to me. What that person didn't know is that I'm wearing only my undergarments and a black tank top. I felt another poke on my left cheek. I swung my arm and I hit someone. I opened my eyes and I saw Calum, Luke, Zayn, and Niall laughing and Harry on the floor. Luke was the one next to me.

Harry moaned in pain and threw me a glare. I guess I hit his baby-making parts so gave him a sweet smile. "That's what happens when you wake me up." I said in a sugary voice.

"You really are Louis' sister." Zayn chuckled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked with a confused look.

"Have you ever woken him up! He did the same thing!" Harry screamed from the floor.

I rolled my eyes. "My mum used to make me wake him up. I have my ways."

"Then can you wake him up for us, please" Calum asked batting his eyelashes.

"Why are your eyes twitching?" he pouted. "Fine. Fine. But I need a volunteer." I smiled to myself remembering what happened the last time I woke him up this way.

"I don't that look in your eyes but I'll volunteer." Luke chimed from next to me.

I gave him a wink. "Okay then. You guys stay here or Louis would murder you." They were gonna ask why but I stopped them. "With my way, someone will probably get hurt. That's why I needed the volunteer. Sorry, Luke. Nice knowing you." his eyes widen and I smirked.

I got up and started walking toward the door. I felt there stares on me. "Can you stop eye raping me please?" I heard awkward coughs. I got out of my room and went next door, Louis room.


"Louis. Louis. Louis." I whispered loudly and shook him. He didn't budge.

"Louis, you do know how I dress to sleep and know I don't change till I shower. Your band mates and friends will eye rape me." I know he heard me because he twitched.

I smiled because here comes my favorite part. "Louis, the reason I haven't showered yet is for a certain reason. Oh, if you wake to me and Luke having sex in my room, ignore it. Okay? Good."

I walked to his door and saw his sit up with rage in his eyes.

"Where is he?" he spat

I shrugged like nothings wrong. "Probably in his room."

He shot up and ran past me to Lukes room. I snickered as I waltzed back to my room.

"Is he awake?" Harry asked. He doesn't look hurt anymore. Humph.

"Yup. So, Luke, good luck." he looked scared. I jumped on my bed and covered myself with my quilt.

I heard crashes and yells. "He's coming" I sang. Luke hid under my quilt. "That's not gonna help things."

My door flew open and my brother stood there, pissed. "You." he spat. Zayn, Niall, Calum, and Harry had to hold him back.

I laughed again. "Louis, do you remember when we were 15?" he stopped for a minute and thought for a second.

When we were 15, I played lots of pranks on him. That's why he loves pranks now .

He finally knew what I'm talking about. "You bitch."

"Oh, shut up. You love me!" I replied.

He pushed the boys away from him and he sat next to me. He glared at Luke and Luke whimpered.
He's so adorable!

"No one is allowed to have sex, a relationship, or touch inapproiately to Lorina. Understand?" Louis looked to each of them. They furiously nodded their heads. "Everyone out!" he lead the boys out and told me to get dressed.


I finally showered and got dressed. I was wearing blue jeans shorts, a white shirt that stops in the middle of my stomach, red suspenders, and my black converse.

Leo, Louis, Niall, Harry, Liam, and Michael are playing football outside. The other four are playing xbox.

I'm in the middle of eating cup of noodles and drinking iced tea. I don't understand why people use spoons to eat soup. I was swinging my legs back and forth and I shoved the fork with noodles in my mouth as Zayn walked in. He was eating Oreos and he offered me one.

"No thanks. I don't like chocolate." I shoved another forkful in my mouth waiting for his reaction.

He gasped loudly and dramatically. His mouth dropped and pieces of Oreos fell out to the floor. I crinkled my nose. "What-? How-? HOW COULD YOU NOT LIKE CHOCOLATE?!" he yelled.

"Who doesn't like chocolate?" Ashton asked as he walked in with Luke and Calum. Zayn pointed at me bewilered.

"Mate, finish your oreo first. Some of it is on your shirt and the floor." Calum said discusted. "WHAT YOU DONT LIKE CHOCOLATE?!" he screamed in my face.

"NO I DONT! ITS DISCUSTING!" I screamed back.

"What's going on?" Louis asked amused. He came back with the ball  in his arms and the rest of the guys trailing behind him

"They found out about my DOC." I laughed. He chuckled because he knows what I mean.

"Doc?" Niall chimed.

"SHE DOESNT LIKE CHOCOLATE!" Zayn yelled. They all looked at me with their mouths open besides Louis who was cracking up.

"DOC means disliking of chocolate. Its too sweet for me. I find it discusting." I explained

"What? Do you like salt better?" Liam pointed at me putting more salt on my noodles.

"Actually, yes."

"You are not human! You are some sort of child of Satan!" Michael exclaimed.

I put my best poker face and turned toward Louis. "Didn't I tell you not to tell your band mates? Why don't you listen god dammit?!"

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah. Whatever." I winked at Michael. "Come closer, babe. I don't bite. I may be a child of Satan but it doesn't mean I bite."

He looked around scared. Louis was laughing very hard, he was about to cry.

I winked at Michael again.

what do you think?
so this whole book has about 480 reads. I MAY OR MAY NOT BE DANCE AND CRYING!
thank you guys :)

p.s. I honestly do not like chocolate. sorry.



-Lelia <3

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