Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Louis' POV

"Louis!" Niall panted. His eyes were wide and he ran to me.

"What?" I took a sip from. my tea. I set the mug on the table and rose an eyebrow at my band mate.

"Its Lorina! She's sitting in the middle of the street!" Niall shouted

My eyes turned wide and I ran to follow Niall out the door. Outside, on the street, I saw Lorina sitting in the middle of the street like Niall had said. Her legs and arms were crossed and she looked out into the distance. Her eyes were burning with rage and a specific type of rage. Rage that she had talked to our parents.

I sighed. "I'll handle this." I jogged toward my sister and sat in front of her.

"Lorina," I started softly, "what did dad say?" She continued to ignore me. Her eyes met mine and I saw she was also pained.

She tugged on one of her curls before asking me a question that shocked me "Louis, do you think I'm worthless?" She looked to the beautiful sunset behind my head. She bit her lip before whispering, "Still."

I closed my eyes. "I didn't mean it when I said it."

"Well you can't take it back."

"You are not worthless. You are my sister and I love you." I opened my eyes and saw my sister look away. "What did dad say?"

“You're only saying that because your my brother," she muttered. She spoke again before I was able to answer. “You know how they say to listen to your parents?" I silently nodded. "Well, that's what I'm doing. He told me to sit in the middle of the street and get ran over." She said with a bitter sweet smile.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. I stood up and held my hands out. Lorina shot me a confused look. I grabbed her hands and lifted her up.

We walked inside and she told me about her conversation with our dad.


Lorina's POV

My head rested on Niall's shoulder as he played on the Xbox. His eyebrows knitted in concetration. He was playing against Louis, Michael, and Harry.

I was scrolling through my phone. I was texting Bella and on twitter. I answered questions that people kept sending me.

Everything my dad told me just stayed in my mind. My parents never really understood me. They expected to much from me. When my parents spilt up, I stayed with mum and sort of regreted it. I mean she wanted me to be a girly girl, a lady. Louis and I never really got along. It would be rare if we did. We hardly spoke unless necessary when uh, something happened. Because of that, when he auditioned, I left. Mum didnt even notice. Louis called me lots of times but I 'accientally' broke my phone and lost all my contacts.He found me in America and we spend time together. He was lucky I was on my period when that happened or I would've ignore him.

Either way, I'm not a very likeable person. I could be a real bitch. I decided to be halfways because I wanted to be nice for once. Suprisingly, it didn't work.

The boys jumped at the sound of my phone ringing. I looked at them and muttered sorry before going into the kitchen and answering the phone.

"Hello? You are speaking to Lorina so don't ask. Now answer peasent!"

"Why did I ever doubt that you were Louis' sister?" Perrie Gorgie accent rang.

"I ask myself the same question."

"Well, I was wonderin' if you wanted to come shopping with me, my band, Dani, and El." she sounded hopefully. We haven't really spoken since we first met.

"Um, I'm not a real shopping fan." I answered awkwardly.

"How about lunch tomorrow then?"

I shrugged and realized she couldn't see me. "I guess."

She squealed and hung up.


Geez, I swear. I walked back into the living room. I took the control from Louis and played with them.

I'm totally gonna beat their asses..


I updated :)

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-Lelia ★

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