Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Lorina's POV

In the morning, when I woke up, I regreted it. I rolled over and groaned when I remember I'm supposed to go with the girls to lunch. I groaned again before getting up. I walked over to my suitcase. I didn't even bother to unpack. I just got my undergarments and decided to choose my clothes when I get out.

I showered and used scented soap and shampoo. I wrapped my body with a towel and dried my body. I dressed into my undergarments and attempted to dry my mane called hair. I blow dried my hair before curling it. For some reason, I always fix my hair first. My ombre hair was loosely curled into ringlets and I used hair spray to keep it stiff. I got two curls from each side and pinned it in the back. I opened the bathroom door to grab my clothes and I was in for a surprise.

The boys -besides Louis- were in my room. Naked. Well, they had their boxers on.

"Um, can I help you?" I asked.

Instead of responding, they eye raped me. I blushed slightly and shifted uncomfortable.I crossed my arm over my chest.

Leo -despite my liking, he was here- was the first to talk. "You still have a killer body." he winked.

I grimaced before shouting. “Louis!"

He came a minute later in the same condition as them- half naked. "What?" he said, irritated. Then he saw the only thing I was wearing and the boys in here. We had our twin-telepathy-thingy. His mouth formed an O shape. "All right, everyone out!" he hollered. "If not, I will skin you alive for checking out my little-"


"-sister. Not okay with me." He glared at them and they finally left. He sent me a smile before walking out and closing the door.

"Bloody hell." I muttered under my breath.

I dressed — taking my time — into ripped black shorts and a black tank top. I also put on a black, blue, and white plaid shirt over. Leaving it unbuttoned, I fixed the collar and sleeves to the plaid shirt. I struggled to put on black high tops. I fell about three times.

Now, you might be wondering 'Why the fuck would Lorina worry about lunch when its not for hours away?' Lemme answer. Its twelve o'clock in the fucking afternoon. I'm supposed to meet them at twelve thirty. I have half an hour.

I walked to the stand and shoved my phone and wallet into my pocket. Who needs a purse? I jogged downstairs and told Louis where I'm going. The look on his face was priceless. I would agree with him.

Since when does Lorina Tomlimson have friends or go out?


I met the girls at a cute little restaurant. It was cover in baby blue.

"Hello, love!" Perrie chirped when I arrived. I smiled as response. She introduced me to her band. We were in a circular booth and waiting for Eleanor and Danielle.

They told me about their experience in the X Factor. Jesy told me how they got first place. Zayn and Perrie have been going out for a while. Jade and Leigh told me about the DNA tour.

They had asked about me. I just gave them the basics. As mentioned many times, I'm not likeable. "…thats all you really need to know." I finished saying when Eleanor and Danielle finally arrived.

"Hello!" El beamed. Danielle was still giving me the cold shoulder.

I sent her a warm smile. "Hello, Eleanor!" I look at the sneering girl next to her, "Hello, Danielle!"

She just ignored me and took a seat next to Leigh. Eleanor sighed and took the seat next to me. We ordered what we wanted and waited in awkward silence. I picked at my chipped, painted nails.

"So, Lorina," I looked up at the sound of my name, "I love your hair." Jade gushed as she reached over and touched one of my curls.

"Thanks," I answered. "No one has really complimented me before. Especially Louis, he never approved of anything I did besides college." I rolled my eyes when I said 'approved'.

"Why not?" Danielle spoke for the first time. Her face was scunched in confusion.

I shrugged. "I'm not very, uh, likeable." I tugged on one of my curls. "When he saw my piercings, he gave me a lecture. When he saw my tattoos, he flipped." I remember exactly those times. Louis yelled at me so much, I'm surprised he's able to talk now.

"You have tattoos?" Perrie nearly shrieked, amused. I nodded slowly. "Can you show?"

I sighed but agreed. I shrugged off the plaid shirt and lowered my tank top a little on the left side. Where my heart is supposed to be, it says 'I Am Who I Am. Accept That or You Can Fuck Off' in fancy font. In plain sight, I have an orange paw print. Its below my thumb. Above my elbow, I have the same tattoo as Louis, the 'Oops' one. Apparently, he got it to match mine. Eleanor smiled at that tattoo. My final tattoo was a heart and it had 'L+L' I totally forgot about this tattoo.

The waitress came with our food. It was untouched as they all still stared at the heart tattoo. Danielle stood up and pointed at it. "This is why I didn't believe her!"

Eleanor looked on the verge of crying. "Let me explain." I said in a bored tone.

"Please do." Perrie, Eleanor, and Danielle spat harshly in sync.

I rolled my eyes. "You know Leo Martinez?"

"Louis' friend? He's one of our back up dancers." Jesy replied.

Oh yeah, I remember him telling me.

"Well, one of the L's stand for Leo. That bastard and I dated before." my tone is bored.

Danielle sat back down. "I don't believe you." My lips formed a thin, tight line. "I can only believe you if you call your mum to confirm it."

"I don't think that's a good idea. The conversation won't be pretty."

"Do it."

I took out my phone. "Eleanor, do you have Louis' moms number?" she nodded, wordlessly and cited it to me as I typed it. I hit call and waited for the person I wanted to talked to the least pick up the phone. I put my phone on speaker.

"Hello?" my mothers voice rang.


"Lorina? Is that you?" I gave them a pointed look.

"Yes, ma'am"

"Lorina, where the hell have you been? You haven't spoke to me in about three years. Why the sudden call?" she demanded.

"I thought I should finally call." I replied.

"You stupid girl, why would you leave your brother's audition? Do you know how much that meant to him?" she demanded once again. I kept my eyes on the phone as I felt their stares.

"I felt that I wasn't needed." My eyes were glued to the phone.

"Always thinking about yourself, huh? You have to ruin your brother's spotlight, right?" I clenched my jaw and didn't reply. "First, in high school, you self-harmed to get attention. Then you leave your brother's audition and don't pop up until he's successful."

"It wasn't for attention." I whispered. My eyes burned. "Nice to know your fine, mum. Bye." I hung up. I gave Danielle a bitter sweet smile. "Believe me now, huh? Now do you see why I didn't want to call in the first place?"

Everyone was shocked and didn't talk. I blinked before standing up and quickly fixed my plaid shirt. "Thanks, Perrie. Thanks for lunch." I look to her band mates. "Nice meeting you girls. Bye." With that said and my lunch untouched, I bolted out of the restaurant.


Well, now you know something.

Just know I have NOTHING against anyone.

Its just for the plot. I'm sorry

tell me what you think :)

sorry for any mistakes

-Lelia ♥

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