Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen: 
Lorina's POV

"Well, you're handling this well," a familiar Aussie accent rang.

I casted my eyes upward for a brief moment to catch familiar hazelish eyes. I then flickered my eyes back to the screen and took a bite of my cupcake. He then stood in front of my tv. I mustered an evil glare at the boy. "Move," I whined, childishly. He smirked as his eyes danced with amusement. "Do I amuse you, Mr. Irwin? I am going to warn you now that if you don't move, I will hurt your baby-making parts."

Ashton turned to see what I was watching. He backed away - finally - and sat next to me. "What the hell are you watching?"

"NCIS. What the fuck else?" I replied, still not taking my eyes off the television.

"You don't seem so heartbroken after what I've been told that happened," he dogded my bluntness. Even though I wasn't looking at him, I could sense the confusion.

I licked my lips and turned off the tv. "I taught myself its useless to mope around. It shows I am weak," I finally spoke, refusing to take my eyes off the blank screen. I took a bite from my cupcake and chewed slowly, waiting for his response.

He finally responded with an answer everyone had given me the past 48 hours. "It doesn't show you are weak; it shows you have feelings. But what I would like to know is, why vanilla?"

I finished my cupcake. I smiled and finally moved my eyes to his. "Did you forget about my slight disliking of chocolate?" I completely ignored the first part.

"How can someone not like chocolate? That's not human!" he exclaimed

"Sorry I'm not normal,"I retorted.

"How come you aren't so heartbroken?" he shot back to our first conversation. I groaned.

"It wasn't a serious relationship. Its not like we're married, let alone love each other. Ashton, he thought I was cheating on him with my fucking brother. I am not that kind of person and neither is my brother," I snapped.

"You can tell me, you know," Ashton said softly. "Is he really your brother?"

Anger raced through my veins. If I get asked that one more time....

"I'm telling you the truth, you know. But, of course, no one believes me. I'm still that girl no one believes and no one likes." I was practically seething fire. "If your gonna give me that bullshit of not believing me, then please leave. I get enough of that."

"I was just asking. Don't worry," he smiled. I just gave him a skeptical(did I spell that right?) look.

"So if you're not dating Louis-"

"I'm not," I cut him off.

He continued like I didn't cut him off. He kept talking when I did cut him off.

"and if he's your brother-"

"He is," I cut him off, which he was unaffected by.

"So no one is going to be jealous or mad if we go out on a date?"

My eyes went wide. "Woah there, tiger. Remember I'm like three years older than you. And did Louis put you up to this?"

"No, he didn't. Also, I don't care about age difference."

"Well, to answer your question, some of them might get mad because one, they still think I'm Louis' so-called girlfriend and two, I just broke with Niall two days ago," I said as I flashed my eyes back to the blank screen.

"Then I'll wait," he simply said.

"Alright then. I hope you know I'm leaving in three and a half weeks," I reminded him.

"I'll think of something," he shrugged. He stood up and left my room.

"Um, alright," I whispered to myself.


For a week, the concerts was filled with tension. Louis wouldn't let me let him go alone. His band mates have been ignoring him.

None of them talked to me either. Niall barely makes eye contact. Harry is the only one that doesn't give me the cold shoulder.

Ashton kept winking at me. He kept asking me when it was time we could go on a date yet. Cue my infamous eye roll.

Danielle is whole different situation. She keeps trying to get me to admit she was right. That is whenever she has time and ran into me. Instead of spending time with her precious boyfriend, she interogates me. How lovely.

Leo, being a little shit, also kept flirting with me. He keeps bugging me and bringing up old things from our relationship. He's also been very... touchy. I swear, he's almost raped me like twice.

So I guess you can say I've had a pretty interesting week.

I know, its not long. Sorry :/  
Anyways, what do you think? 
Vote, comment, or ignore. Its up to you :)

-Lelia ♥♥

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