Chapter Sixteen

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~read note at end~

Chapter Sixteen:

Danielle's POV (yay or nay?)

I was cuddling with Liam and watching movies when I heard laughing and screaming upstairs. I pulled a little away from Liam and gave him a confused look. His face mirrored my expression.

"Who's that?" he asked with a cute puzzled look.

"I dunno. I think Louis and Lorina are upstairs.." Harry awkwardly trailed off.

Niall paused the movie and we all went upstairs. As we got closer, the laughimg and screaming got louder. Niall threw open Louis' door. There was Lorina, laying on the bed, and Louis sitting on top of her.

"I knew it!" I shouted. "You guys are dating! Both of you lied!"

Lorina got out from under Louis. "No, I wouldn't date my brother. Louis was tickling me 'cause I'm ticklish. He wanted me to say that he's the best brother, which he isn't." Lorina replied, trying to keep calm.

"I can't believe it," Niall whispered. He focused on his shoes.

"You actually believe this?" Louis demanded. "What Lorina said is true. We are not dating."

"I'm sorry to say it, but I believe Danielle," Zayn said. He shook his head and walked out of the room with Harry trailing behind him.

"See!" I cried. "Why would you guys lie? And Lorina, why would you do that to Niall?"

"I'm not lying," she stated annoyed. "Niall, I wouldn't do that. I am lots of things but I am not a cheater. Maybe a few times in math but its math. Just believe me!"

"Sorry, but I don't," Niall looked up and anger was visible in his eyes and expression.

"Great. Just perfect. Nice to know my boyfriend has trust in me," Lorina exclaimed sarcastically. "If I was dating Louis, why would I say yes to you? I know why! Because I'm not dating him!"

"Maybe I would believe you if you weren't so close to him!" Niall resorted. Liam, Louis, and I back away a little, seeing the argument unfold.

"Well, sorry for wanting to spend a little time with my brother because I'm sure I might not see him again! I might not see any of you again! After the American part of the tour, I need to get back to school! I may have graduated but I'm not done. I'm trying to get a career of my own." Anger laced her voice.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Niall shouted.

"What am I supposed to say?! 'Oh yeah, I'm leaving you in a few weeks because of school and might never see you again'! I don't know about you but that's not a good conversation starter or a subject I would like to touch!"

"How do you expect me to react?!"

"I expect you to understand! I'm sorry for expecting to much. You know what? Fuck you! I am so done with this!" She marched her way to the door to be stopped by Niall.

"Wait. I'm not done with this conversation," he said.

"We broke up! Get it? There's nothing more to discuss. This conversation is over. So let me go," she yanked her arm from his grasp and left.

"You!" Niall pointed to Louis.

"I did nothing! Mate, she's my sister. If you don't believe me, than tough shit. You made a mistake. I hope you know that." With that, Louis stormed out of his own room. Niall stormed after him.

"That was interesting," Liam concluded.

"Liam, your band mates are fighting over a girl. That girl is denying one and broke up with the other. Do something about it."

He sighed and pecked my lips. "Babe, calm down. It isn't any of our business," he said quietly.

"You're right," I exhaled. I pecked his lips and locked our hands. Together we walked downstairs to face more agruments and awkwardness.

Woah there. Agrument was intense. So I have my idea, thanks to the person who commented and I forgot the name to. Sorry :/ So I had about two people complain (you know who you are) about Liam and Danielle still being together. Do you want me to have them break up? What did you think about Danielle's POV? Yay or Nay? tell my what you think :) thanks for 4.8k reads and 108 votes! :)

If you have time, please check out RED. The prologue will be up tomorrow. :D

Love you all! ♥

-Lelia ♥

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