Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Ninteen
Louis' POV

Me and the boys are on break for our rehersal. Of course Liam, Zayn, and Niall are ignoring me. The tension between us is just so thick.

Being the stubborn boy I am, I'm going to try and break it. I will try and get my band matess to talk to me again. Management has also been nagging me so why not.

I sat in front of Niall and leaned close. "You do know that if Lorina wasnt my sister, then why didn't I react badly when you guys started dating."

He pushed me back. "In a way, I find that irrelavant."

"It isn't! I wouldn't do that! You and I both know that." I continued to try and convince him that Lorina is my sister.

I'd like to say thank fucking god. He finally believed me. He saw the light...

Okay, now I'm being over dramatic.


The boys and I made it home by eight o' clock. I was laughing at Harry's joke. Its not the joke that's funny, trust me. Its just how much effort he put into a lame joke.

Our laughs quieted down when we saw my sister pacing back and forth screaming rapidly into a phone. I wonder who she's talking to. Lorina saw us and muttered a goodbye to whoever she was talking to and hung up.

"Lorina, guess what?" I exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"What?" she answered, raising a perfectly good eyebrow.

"They believe us now! They finally see the damn light!" I shouted happily.

She gave me a poisonous smile that made me stop jumping. She walked carefully to the table in the living room. The heels of her boots clicked against the tile floor. I turned to my friends with a confused expression. Their faces mirrored mine.

The sound of Lorina's voice made me turn and look at her. "And how did you do that, Louis?" Her question sounded more like a challege.

"Why does that matter?" I asked quietly.

"Did you tell them that you would've reacted different when Niall and I started dating?" she questioned like if she didn't hear what I said. "Or did you tell them that you wouldn't have come up with the dare? I'm pretty sure that convinced them enough to believe you, aye?"

I froze in shock. I'm pretty sure the boys were frozen too. Her smile grew, which made it look more deadly. "Louis, I know about the dare. I have for the past week. Did you really think I wouldn't find out?"

I suddenly broke out of my trance. "Then you should know exactly why I came up with it, love."

"Why couldn't you have just let it go?! That was years ago, Louis! Five years ago! Quit being a stubborn ass and let it go!" she shouted.

"Well, sorry I can't just let something like that go! I'm sorry for being a stubborn ass and not letting it go, Lorina."

"Don't say sorry if you don't mean it."

"Wait, what are you guys arguing about?" Liam asked. I'm pretty sure everyone would like that answer.

"Don't worry about it," Lorina said quietly. She turned to me, "Louis, I'm leaving. I have a flight in three hours. See you in hell." My sister turned on her heels and bolted out the room.

"Where will you stay, huh?" I demanded at her retreating figure.

"Bella!" she shouted back her answer. "My only real friend who actually cares about me!"

And that was the last time I saw my sister this summer.

I thought I should end it here. Thanks to the 15 people (technacally 14 people; one person commented twice and messaged me on my message board thing) who commented on the last chapter. I think this book is sort of done. I kind of don't want to write about July-August 2013. Maybe I'll just fast forward to January 2014. I don't know. Comment if you do want me to, Ignore if you don't want me to. Oh, Happy New Years guys! Love you!

Until Next Update,
Lelia xoxo


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