The Job

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Date: April 22, Y221

Time: 11:00 PM

Settings: Stone Mansion Acres

POV: Sakura

Haruhi: UGH! So much walking!

Sakura: It's better than being on a train.

Jaden: But did they have to make us walk all the way there?

The mansion was a mile away from the train station.

Sakura: Well that's how it is for rich people. We're almost there.

Twenty minutes later...

Sakura rings the doorbell which plays a long series of sounds. The door opens to a maid.

Maid: Hello. How may I help you?

Sakura: We are here for the job request Mr. Stone sent.

Maid: Of course.

We walk in. It's pretty normal. But I have no idea how to explain it.

We were showed into the office and waited.

Jaden: Great more waiting.

Sakura: He's a busy man.

Haruhi: Never heard of him though.

Sakura: He is in charge of all the trains in Fiore.

Jaden: Wait that guy?

Sakura: Yeah. But he uses the last name of business man many years ago.

Jaden: How do you know this?

Sakura: I research on the background, usually for recovering a stolen possession. And I have some friends all over the place.

Jaden: You have friends?

Sakura: Shut up. You're lucky we have to work together. If it weren't for that, you would have your sorry self beaten up.

Mr. Stone comes in. He was a man probably around forties. He had blonde hair with some white hairs. He wore a black suit and a red tie.

Mr. Stone: So you are the ones who got my request?

Jaden: Yeah. That's us.

Sakura: Mr. Stone, what is this possession of yours that was stolen?

Mr. Stone: Oh nothing much. Just some golden key.

Jaden: That's it.

Sakura: Be quiet and don't judge. Do you know who stole it?

Mr. Stone: Yes. Mr. Hunter.

Sakura: The guy who owns Strawberry Company.

The Strawberry Company makes a lot of Strawberry Phones and laptops, and many more. (Author's note: Pretty much like Apple)

Mr. Stone: Yes. He visited the other day and kept asking questions about the key.

Sakura: Ok. Keys are usually not important unless they are the keys for your house. But certain golden keys used to be used in Fiore years before. What was the symbol on that key.

Mr. Stone: S-symbol.

Sakura: Yes. I know that there is a symbol on it so don't lie to me.

Mr. Stone: Fine. It had the sign of the zodiac of Virgo.

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