Double Date

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Date: September 29, Y221

Time: 6:00 PM

Setting: Dorm 222

POV: Sakura

Sakura: Relax Haruhi. It's going to be just fine. You'll be perfect for your date tomorrow.

Haruhi: You mean our date. You promised you would help me out.

Sakura: Yeah but why did you have to make me go with Jaden. Like I told everyone, we are just friends.

Haruhi: Which is the exact reason why. I still think you have a crush on him but you are pretty confident around him. And don't freak out. Plus you get along really well.

Sakura: Yeah. At least I'm only their for have of it.

Haruhi: Yeah unfortunately. But I love the movies.

Sakura: What movie are we even watching?

Haruhi: No idea. But Blue is choosing.

Sakura: So I have to stay until after the fancy dinner then as you and Blue continue your date, Jaden and I will leave.

Haruhi: Yup. Thank you so much for this.

Sakura: You're my best friend. I'll always be there to help you.

Haruhi smiles.

Haruhi: Same here.

The next day...

Sakura: And finished with your bow. You look beautiful Haruhi. I'm sure Blue will love to see you in this outfit.

Haruhi: (nervously) I hope so.

Haruhi wore a purple dress with white spots, two blue bracelets, purple boots and a purple bow.

Haruhi wore a purple dress with white spots, two blue bracelets, purple boots and a purple bow

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Sakura: Hey it's ok to be nervous

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Sakura: Hey it's ok to be nervous. Just need to take a few breathes. I was nervous before I went to school here but I had to calm myself down. So I can have fun at the academy, and that's what you need to do during this date.

Haruhi: Wow. I didn't know you thought like that.

Sakura: I do. But I'm supposed to not show too much feeling making harder on me.

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