Descendants of Erza and Jellal

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Date: September 2, Y221

Time: 10:00 PM

Setting: Guild

POV: Sakura

Sakura: A job with you?

Jaden: Yeah. I thought it would be fun. Since I'm kinda bored and Mark is off sick.

Sakura: Yeah I guess so. We've been to jobs before. So why not?

Appoline: Aw. My ship.

Sakura: Shut up Appoline. Anyways what job?

Jaden: To stand guard of the Crocus Crown being exhibited in the town museum. We have to be in disguised as some rich people.

Sakura: I am a rich person if you had forgotten. But the Crocus Crown is very valuable so I might see my parents. I might need a-

Appoline throws a mask.

Appoline: Disguise. No problem. This mask will change your appearance to everyone else. Also Jaden grab one as well. You two need to look like adults. And also the mask will be invisible to others. But you can't use magic with the mask on.

Sakura: Wow thanks Appoline.

Appoline stamps the job request.

After going to the requestors house and telling the plan...

I was getting ready in the bathroom, fixing my mask, dress and hair.

Jaden: Are you done?

Sakura: Wait just wait.

Jaden: Girls always take forever.

Sakura: I can hear you and I just finished.

I walked out of the bathroom. I had long brown hair and purple eyes. I had a white and teal maxi-dress and a white and blue flower crown.

I saw Jaden and he was a normal dark brown haired guy with brown eyes. He wore a tuxedo with a rose.

Sakura: Definitely look older.

Jaden: Definitely can't tell it's you.

Sakura: Well let's go. We have a mission to complete.

At the museum...

We showed our invites. We both went to opposite sides of the room to keep our eye out on everyone. But great. Guess who I see. Mark Kirigaya. I am not going towards him. Just look for anyone else. But he walks up to me.

Mark: Hey beautiful.

I rolled my eyes. Because I'm not actually me. Well I am but since I'm not me at the moment, I could do stuff I've wanted to do.

Sakura: Look I think you should back off. I'm not intrested in any guys.

Mark: C'mon. Just have fun with me tonight and you'll want me.

Sakura: No.

He grabs my wrist and begins to pull me when someone pulls me back.

?????: I'm sorry but what are you doing with my girlfriend? And I'm sorry, I just got finished with some business.

I recognize that voice. It was Jaden and now I'm blushing because of what he said to Mark.

Mark: Sorry. But I think your girlfriend wants to be with you anymore. She only wanted your money. Commoners are such gold diggers.

Sakura: Wow such a liar.

Jaden: She's the one rich and was the one to ask me out. We have a good relationship. Also I heard the rumors. Aren't you engaged?

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