Working Together

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Date: April 22, Y221

Time: 2:30 PM

Settings: Strawberry Auctions Ceremony (Gate)

POV: Sakura

Mark: So you are gonna do the same thing I did in the slave auction?

I was wearing a blue dress, a white belt, white flats and a white bow. Everyone else wore the clothes they had before.

Sakura: Yup. But in auctions, you are usually required to dress up.

Jaden: How many clothes do you have? You always have to change on missions.

Sakura: This is only my second mission. And how many have you done before?

Jaden: Seven. Remember my sister.

Sakura: Oh yeah. I forgot. But remember how I told you to sneak in.

Jaden: Yes.

Haruhi: How do you know this stuff especially about something so fancy and rich? And how did you get an invitation?

Sakura: I have a friend who is rich and tells me these things.

Haruhi: Why did they send a maid and the maid called you Madame Sakura?

Sakura: Because that's what they do to everyone even if you don't want to be treated like that. And she isn't allowed to leave her home.

Haruhi: How were you able to meet?

Sakura: My parents are really good friends with hers. Now go. I only have an invitation for one.

Haruhi: Ok.

Haruhi, Satan and Mark walks away as I walk to the guard and gave my invitation.

Timeskip to when they auction off the key

Mr. Cake: And now auctioning off this golden key-

This is Mr. Cake. A black haired man with purple eyes who owns the Strawberry Phones Company. He is wearing a white suit with a yellow tie.

Mr. Cake: -This key is an ancient artifact. Hundreds, maybe thousands of years ago, Fiore was prosperous with magic. This key is a type of holder magic called Zodiac Magic. It doesn't work anymore but it is a fortune. We are going to start off at 10,000,000 jewel.

Sakura: 10,000,000!

??????: 20,000,000!

Sakura: 30,000,000!

??????: 50,000,000!

It was quiet until I say,

Sakura: 100,000,000 jewel!

Everyone was stunned.

Mr. Cake: Sold. Now hand in the money and claim your prize up on stage.

I stand up and say as I walks,

Sakura: Wouldn't it be best if you gave it to me first?

Mr. Cake: I prefer purchases first and the prize later.

I show a check for 100,000,000 jewel.

Sakura: Give the key to me.

Mr. Cake smirks.

Mr. Cake: Guards.

The guards came.

Mr. Cake: Give me the money. Or else.

Sakura: Ok. Come at me and fight.

The guards ran towards me. I wait. One guard throws a punch at me and duck, knocking out the other guard across from him. Another tries to pull me down from my left leg and I kick him in the face with my right. I turn to see a guard about to grab me when Satan appears and punches the guard. The guard turns to him and I kick the guard where the sun doesn't shine.

Jaden: That's gotta hurt.

Mr. Cake: Who the hell are you?

Sakura: Who gives the right to steal from others? And also some of that information on that key is invalid. But if you really want to know, I'll tell you my name. I'm Sakura Hana.

Mr. Cake: Hana!? As in-

I run towards him and knock him out.

Sakura: Never speak of it.

I grabbed the key. I looked at the shock crowd.

Sakura: Go home before I do the same thing.

They all leave and I sigh.

Jaden: What was he trying to say?

Sakura: Nothing. Let's just give this back to Mr. Stone. Where are Mark and Haruhi?

Jaden: In the car. Time to go in.


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