• Chapter 5 •

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— Ring of Honor | 2003 | 14 Years Earlier —

I fixed up my little outfit I had picked out for myself today for Ring of Honor's show tonight. I was the manger of Paul London as we were currently going by the gimmick of being siblings — which we weren't in real life, of course. Like how Kane and The Undertaker aren't really brothers in real life. So, Paul and I are just two people with the same ring last name. His hair is black and mine is, too, so it does make it look like we're related in a way.

"Hey, Eliza, you ready?" Paul had came up to me and asked, using my ring name. I nodded with a grin and followed him to the curtains to come out of for our entrance.

He was going to face two guys tonight in a triple-threat. Whoever wins, gets the chance to compete for the ROH Championship later tonight. He was facing Low Ki and a newcomer that I hadn't actually got to properly meet yet since he just started the last of last year, after all.

Paul's theme began playing and we quickly made our way out. He stopped to pose at the top of the stage and I did, too, behind him. I followed him down to the ring until he slid inside and I remained outside of the ring and out of harm's way as well.

His two other opponents were already inside of the ring when I seen Low Ki standing in one corner and in another was the newcomer. I believe that his name is AJ. Uh... AJ Styles. He was sure a sight for soar eyes because of how beyond damn handsome he was, after all. He was like a new character in a book to me.

The whole time, I was out there to show my support for Paul and to cheer him on. But instead, I was just staring at AJ and how the sweat carefully glazed down his body. At one point, he caught me staring and I had to look away to avoid suspicion. I even had to check my mouth to see if I was drooling, too. I wasn't, thank God.

Later, Paul ended up winning the tournament, but didn't win the title later. However, backstage after this match here, I formally introduced myself to AJ in person without staring and drool.

"Nice to meet you," he said to me with a genuine smile. "So, are you and Paul really siblings?"

I giggled and shook my head. "No, not siblings. If we were, we would be fighting EACH OTHER in that ring."

He let out a chuckle and shook his head. He then said, "Well, good. You're WAY prettier than him, anyway." His words instantly killed me before he had to take off to shower and change. I never did forget his words, though.

Paul ended up departing from Ring of Honor eventually and going off to WWE before I could, but I didn't accept it when he asked me if I wanted to go with him. He could somehow convince Vince McMahon to hire me, too, but I declined. That's when AJ showed up and said he would take me under his wing. I've been glued to him ever since then.

• • •

— Present Day, The Day After —

As soon as AJ and I got to the Houston, Texas, arena the next evening for SmackDown's taping, we learned the news that they're actually going to start off SmackDown with Roman Reigns talking (as usual) and then, AJ and I will pop in for a visit.

Since we were on so early, we had to hurry to get ready and prepared. He went to his locker room as I departed towards mine. I rolled into the women's locker room section of this arena and seen a lot of the Divas was already in here getting ready for their night.

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