• Chapter 26 •

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— Continued From Last Chap... —

You're WAY prettier than him, anyway.

"Hello? Earth to Britt? Hey!"

If only I had met you before my wife, it would have been way different.

"Brittany Daria, are you there? Hello?"

I already told you what I want, AJ. I want to get married, have kids of my own, and to be happy.

"Britt, it's alright, okay? Just talk to me here."

I love AJ Styles.

Suddenly, I came back to reality after blacking out there for a moment. I found AJ staring right back at me, but I couldn't speak. Hell, I could barley breathe. I just kept staring at him as he tried to figure me out.

I felt like a little kid back in elementary school when your little crush you had found out they liked you. I felt all the nerves from that right now, but twenty-times worse, of course. Truth be known, I've been keeping this secret little crush of mine from AJ for over fourteen years now. Only thing is that my little crush I've had on AJ all this time has turned into a deadly sin.

"Is that true?" he asked me, which made my heart go even further down into my stomach. He keeps on and I'll give birth to it.

My mouth is halfway open, but only for me to hear me breathing. I was blinking frantically and my heart was going ninety-to-nothing. Maybe I was having a heart attack. Well, at least it'll get me out of this. But, in fact, I wasn't about to fall to the ground.

I was fine. I hadn't felt so free in all the years I've known him. Yet again, the words may be free, but I'm not. He may have finally fucking figured it out, but I haven't in my mind. I hadn't really pictured this moment, of how he would react to it as how I would respond. I'm speechless right now.

He touched my knee and I flinched, which caused him to go back to being physically concerned. He pulled his eyebrows in together and quietly asked, "Britt, am I the one you've been in love with the past fourteen years?"

When he said this, I suddenly found the will to get the hell up and practically fly away from him. I ran as far as my legs could take me, having to push people out of my way occasionally. I couldn't confess. Not now. I can't!

"Whoa! Wait up, Britt!" I heard AJ call after me, but I wasn't about to stop for him. Not this time, at least. "Where are you going?!"

I didn't answer. I just going until I was in the deserted part of the backstage arena. I didn't know where the hell I was, but all I could hope for was that I got away from AJ in time to hide.

I seen a pile of boxes stood up, so I immediately ran over there and hid behind them. I cradled to the ground and pulled my legs up to my chest, and began to cry quiet tears. I don't know what prompt me to fall down to the ground and begin crying, but I did. Again, I was that small child hiding her true feelings from her little crush.

I put my closed and wet eyelids in my knees and tried to come to terms that AJ finally knows. It gave me such a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and it gave me a lump in my throat. It was beginning to get hard to breathe again, but I tried to remain calm and quiet. I was still trying to hide from AJ, after all.

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