• Chapter 25 •

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— April 26, 2016 —

Today is when we film Thursday's version of SmackDown, which is take on Tuesday. I got word from Shane fairly quick when I arrived at the arena earlier today. He warned me that there will be some bumps taken in the ring tonight and I, being Eliza London, will be the instigator of that.

AJ and I were currently seated at ringside when Roman Reigns overcome his main event opponent, the Miz, in a Champion versus Champion match after delivering the Spear for the victory.

Following the contest, I pursued AJ to go into the ring to face off Roman Reigns. I grabbed a mic, just to make matters worse, and brought it to my lips. I said into it: "Roman Reigns, I have a question for you." He didn't look at me, just kept his stare-down with AJ going.

So, I continued: "Do you know who I am? Seriously, do you have any idea who the hell I am? If you don't, then let me help jog your memory for you. I am the longest-reigning NXT Women's Champion of ALL time. I am 'The Bullet Babe' of professional wrestling. Not only that, but I am Eliza London. I'm just somebody you don't mess with."

I earned a huge pop from the crowd, but Roman kept his glare right on AJ. "So, do you know who he is, though?" I went even further to say this to threaten Roman. "He didn't have to be born into greatness to die in it, like you have. Ooh, the Rock's your cousin? How sweet! Well, he's not going to be able to save you from AJ. He's not going to be able to save you from him, me, and the rest of the Club."

Suddenly, Karl and Luke's music hit. That's when Roman attacked AJ and pushed me out of the way. A brawl between AJ and Roman began as I screamed for Karl and Luke to come help. They got in there and helped AJ overpower Roman.

That's when the Usos then rushed into the ring to help their cousin, as AJ stood stood back and watched the carnage take place. AJ's attempt to remain neutral was thrown all off when Jimmy Uso hit him with a right hand. AJ fought back with an enzuigiri kick before Luke fell on the sword for AJ by standing in front of a thunderous Spear from Reigns.

That's when, after Luke took the fall for AJ, I stood in the middle of the ring of carnage. I screamed for them to stop fighting, but that's when Roman stood in front of me. I shook my head and appeared scared of the big man in front of me. That's when I spun around, while AJ and them yell at me not to, and felt sudden pain within my jaw as I fell on my back. The Usos had accomplished one thing tonight and that was putting me out with their double superkicks.

I didn't blackout from their finishing move, but I didn't dare open my eyes. I then felt somebody jerking me out of the ring and when I did open my eyes a split second later, I realized that AJ was carrying me out of the arena bridal-style. However, he and the guys were yelling and swearing at Roman and the Usos from their current positions about this now being personal and all.

By the time we got backstage, I regained my footing and could stand on my own. Shane came to check on me, making sure I took the superkicks well and I seemed to have. My jaw kind of hurt, but it wasn't that bad, of course.

However, Shane wanted me to go see the trainer to make sure. So, I did as he said and began going that way. AJ followed closely behind me, though, which seemed sort of suspicious to me – considering the fact we're supposed to be mad at each other at the moment. Maybe he just cares, that's all.

The trainer checked me out and said that I would be fine, so I took that in and decided to sat there for a minute longer. AJ came and sat by me in another chair next to mine.

He looked up at me through his sweaty and crazy hair in his face. He was already sweating from that little brawl out there. "Have you ever been in love, Britt? Like, really in love with somebody before?" AJ suddenly asked, catching me off guard a bit.

I bit down on my bottom lip and felt myself start to sweat as well, more than ever, but I just shrugged it off and replied, "Yeah, but only once."

"With who?" he inquired, obviously wanting to know more of these juicy details of mine. He had never really asked me personal questions like this before, but now he's all interested? Then again, he's never really had to before. "It wasn't Eric, was it?"

Something in my body suddenly broke, like it was missing a piece. When I lightly touched my chest, I realized that it was my heart. My old, abandoned, miserable, broken heart.

For so many years now, over a decade and a half, it had always been broken. Every time I seen him kiss his wife, have more kids with her, and promised to always continue to love her unconditionally... It broke me down more and more, yet I've stayed. I stayed through the years of the shit I have had to go through with him. In the end, he'll never realize.

"No, it wasn't Eric," I assured him, sighing afterwards. "I used him, so I could distract myself from who I really did love and it wasn't him."

"Then, who is it, Britt?" His sexy southern accent echoed through my skull and bashed it in like I was at a very loud concert. He acts like I'm still in love with this person, using the term "is" in present tense.

I don't know why, but I slowly began to pull back his long hair out of his eyes and face. I slipped all the pieces I could gather behind each of his ears where they're supposed to be. I wanted to see his eyes when I say it, but I know I'll chicken out because I'm back to being frozen again.

I started to remove my hand from his face when he grabbed it and stopped it from leaving. His eyes were right in mine so deep that I felt all the emotions he was feeling. "It's been me all along, hasn't it?"

To Be Continued...

• Can we just have a moment of silence real quick? Cuz my heart is in the pit of my stomach and I'm honestly very speechless rn... Instead of me being 😂, I'm 😧 like y'all, too. Wow, I didn't expect this feeling. I honestly feel like Britt right now, instead of my OWN-self. I'm honestly scared rn TBH cuz of how... Idk, but how fucking REAL that was. What do u guys WANT to happen in the next chap and what do u guys THINK will happen? 😁 I'll just leave this here now, KK? Alright, alright, alright! All the love .xx •

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