• Chapter 13 •

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— The Next Night —

Again, we're at another house show in California. Shane said that he was so impressed by my mic skills and performance last night that he was going to give me my very own spotlight tonight in a new match. I would be going up against Paige all by myself.

I was already ready for my match as I waited behind the curtain after Paige's entrance. Then, AJ's music began to play and I made my way out to a huge choir of boos. I wouldn't expect anything less, honestly.

Once in the ring, I do what I did last time and use the ropes to pose. As I was doing so, however, I felt a sudden pain in my back and soon met the outside of the ring. That bitch just kicked me off the ropes! Once outside, I stood up and was speared by Paige into the barricade. Everybody ringside was chanting right in my ear, too.

So, then, she grabbed me by my pants and shoved me back into the ring. I crawled on my elbows towards the ropes to lift myself up. When I did and turn myself around, I was immediately greeted by Paige's big boot. She landed on me and tried to go for the pin, but I got my shoulder up right before two.

As she went to stand up, she grabbed me up by the hair to get me up, too. I tried hitting her in the stomach to escape, but she kept backing up to avoid them. Then, I felt her elbow nail into the spine in my back. Hard.

She surprisingly let me go, so I ended up going back to the ropes to lean on until I could stand up straight again from that hard hit to my spine. I fell on my back and clenched it, seeing the ref holding Paige back to come check on me. Paige tried looking over his body hovered over mine, but he kept her back.

She got to my feet and kicked them, making her fall to the ground. I pushed the ref off of me and jumped on Paige. I set her up for the Styles Clash and succeeded in doing so, which made the crowd boo me for faking an injury. Instead of pinning her immediately, I spun her useless body around and plugged her into the Calf Crusher.

She screamed for me to let her go and the crowd booed me to do so, too, but she ended up tapping out and the ref calling for the bell.

I let go of her and jumped up to have my hand raised by the ref. I asked for the mic and he gave it to me, dropping AJ's music, so I could speak.

"And here's another shining example of why I'm the best damn wrestler in the whole world!" I yelled into the microphone and the crowd instantly booed. "I walk into every wrestling company I've ever been in with all the strength and talent I've always had. Why you people boo me? I have no idea. I'm right and you're all wrong."

They began to chant: "Bullet Babe! Bullet Babe! Bullet Babe!" And that was enough for me to break character a little to smile and laugh.

"See? I'm the Bullet Babe," I pointed out and sighed. "And, well, you already know the past with myself and AJ. Oh, and even with Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows. We've been through hell together just to end up here in the end."

Then, they began to chant: "Bullet Club! Bullet Club! Bullet Club!"

"Maybe, but that's not the point," I huffed out and it got the crowd a little bit quieter. "My point is... Nothing is off-limits now that Anderson and Gallows are here with AJ and I now. My only advice is when you see us coming, you back down and run away while you still can. Now... Play AJ's music!"

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