• Chapter 15 •

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— Later That Same Night —
(Britt's P.O.V.)

After AJ and I were done with Roman Reigns completely at this point to him to lick his wounds, I told him one last thing before we exited the ring and that was this: "Be very careful, Roman. You don't want to get hurt before your big match against AJ at Payback." I even went as far as winking at him with a dirty smirk before AJ had to, once again, forcefully make me leave the ring with him.

As we were heading up halfway up the ramp, the crowd starts going crazy, so AJ and I look up at the big screen and see something going on. AJ and spun around, but it was only AJ who was the most concerned while I laughed evilly. Karl and Luke were in the ring with Roman, doing the "Magic Killer" on him.

The crowd was surly pleased and pissed while AJ didn't seem all that pleased by this particular development, even though we had an on-screen reunion earlier in the show.

AJ and I went ahead backstage and only a few minutes later, Roman comes straggling in with his title on his shoulder. All the sudden, we see Mauro stopping him to interview him about what just happened and the damn beating he took from them.

Then, that enters AJ and I. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey," AJ said to Roman, putting his hands up. "I had no idea that would happen. I swear to God! I had no idea."

Roman smirked and replied, "You honestly think I would believe that?" I smiled from behind AJ and Roman seen it. "And you"— he puts his finger almost in my face —"I know for a damn fact that you definitely had something to do with it."

"Awe, how cute," I gushed, faking it completely. "Look at you, Roman. You're actually being relevant for once!"

"Hey! Watch it!" Roman growled and, once again, it's AJ getting in between us.

He still has his finger in my face when I've just had about enough and I slap it away, and place my own index finger in his face. "No, you better watch it, Shield-Boy! You don't realize who the hell I am, do you?" I hissed, but it definitely got his attention. "You might have your cousins and they may have your back, but when it comes down to it, you gotta ask yourself — can you handle the hell that's coming your way?"

"Back off, Liza," AJ demanded calmly, using the nickname of my ring-name. This time, he's definitely trying his best to separate us. He turned his back to me and focused back on Roman. "And I don't appreciate you talking to her like that."

"Looks to me she's just dead weight on your shoulders," Roman snickered with a smug smirk and walked away, out of the camera's angle.

I tried to go after him, but AJ held me back with all he's got. "No, Eliza, no!"

"Why wait until Payback?! AJ will take your ass on any day of the damn week!" I yelled at his faded back. "Watch your damn back and I would advise your cousins to do the same thing!"

"That's good, guys," the camera man assured us and dropped the camera. "Thanks a lot."

"No problem," I smiled and let down my guard a bit. AJ's tight grip remained around my waist as we both smiled at each other. He began to lean in and I did, too, until I heard a voice and I shoved him off of me in such a rush.

"I really get you that angry, don't I?" Roman came back over and began to joke around with me. He was back to smiling and laughing like his normal self.

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