• Chapter 27 •

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— One Month Later —

Seemingly, everything has been absolutely perfect this past month after AJ and I became official. Luke and Karl were totally grossed out about it at first, but now I think they've come to terms with it all. I even went as far as to call up my dear old brother and tell him the wonderful news. He was very pleased to hear it. Emma nearly did cartwheels.

I've honestly never been so happy in my whole entire life like I have been the past month. AJ treats me like royalty, not like he didn't before, but I have a little more benefits now. Even our fans seem to be very happy about our relationship.

Everything was going was so great. Was, that is, until AJ dropped the pipe-bomb on that we were heading to Georgia from Raw's May 16th show from North Carolina. I was literally shaking in my boots. His ex-wife is going to be pissed, but I don't think she should, considering the fact that she's apparently already moved on as well.

Nevertheless, even though Wendy seemed upset, she kept a straight face and held a smile on her face the whole entire time. She even introduced AJ and I to her new boyfriend, Paul. He's Ajay's baseball coach.

Seeing the kids again, for AJ, was truly amazing. Wendy seemed to be cold-hearted towards me, since it does appear that I did steal AJ from her. I didn't do shit and she knows it. As for AJ's own house down in Gainesville, Georgia, I have decided to move in with him, so my stuff in Atlanta was going straight into his home. Really, all my stuff was just in storage in Atlanta, but now it's got a place to go.

For the next three days, AJ and I do get to stay in his home on a mini vacation before having to go back on the road with WWE. Three days gave us plenty of times to move my stuff in, get it organized, and so forth.

It's the second day out of three out of mini vacation and we have finally organized my stuff up properly. However, AJ's already on the couch and I'm coming out from the hallway. I see him on the couch, feet kicked up on the center table, while he laid back and was watching the TV.

"Hey," I squeaked out with a smile and slid in beside him.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Hey, baby," he greeted me with a grin, himself. Ugh, I will never get over that! "So, what's up?"

"Nothing much," I shrugged and began twirling my thumbs together. Something was definitely up, but it wasn't enough to start an argument with him.

In the last month with AJ, for the most part, it's been paradise. Although, nothing is really perfect in life, so we've argued here and there, too. On the same note, it's nothing that we can't fix in the end.

"Is it about Brie?" AJ asked, clearing up the silence. Dammit, he's good. That was the argument between us as of late. He just knew, I guess. "Look, baby, I'm sorry that Brie and Bryan have a game-plan, unlike us, but we'll get through it."

Brie and Bryan had retired from a life-long career of professional wrestling to have a family of their own. I have come to terms that in the next two to three years, I want to take some time off from wrestling and begin a family with AJ.

I reached over and rubbed his knee, making eye contact. "I'm sorry," I apologized in a whisper.

Then, the idea hit me. I placed that same hand I had on his knee and moved it to his side, and made my way over. I pulled my body over his and began kissing him.

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