• Chapter 21 •

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— One Week Later —
– April 25, 2016 –

Something fucking crazy is happening and that's the sudden change within me. After a week of tears and being down in the dumps, I have come to the self-diagnosis conclusion that I am majorly depressed.

Here's my prediction: I'm going to die alone. No, wait. No, sorry about that. No, I'm not. A matter of fact, I'm going to die with a million of cats in my own fucking home up in the mountains of Georgia. Yeah, that's the plan.

I'll be that crazy pass-along story your kids will hear about around each Halloween. Just like the witches from Hocus Pocus. I'll have the mansion in the mountains that randomly has rain, thunder, and lightening cast over it with a dark shadows of clouds. Whenever you look even glance up there, it'll be hung over my home.

You'll go on and tell your kids about how a crazy lady that never married or had kids – that always got rejected – died alone up there with all of her cats, but her ghost still lingers up there. Then, being the stupid kids they are, they'll go up to figure it out themselves and get the living shit scared out of them when they realize I'm still alive sipping on my coffee. Ha!

So, I'm currently sat down at a back table in catering while backstage at Raw's show in Hartford. I'm picking at my food with a plastic fork and am trying to avoid suspicion from my co-workers.

It's been hell for me. I've been staying with Emma and Zack, and that's enough said there, I guess. They're all in love and shit. It disgusts me. Seriously, it really does. They sicken me. Not only them, but so does the Bella Twins when they post all on social media of their love lives with Bryan and John.

Every fucking couple these days sicken me more than ever. It's only because I know that I won't ever have that luxury in life. At this rate, I'll be lucky if another man ever actually notices me again.

Is it the hair? My on and off again southern accent? My eyes? The way I do my makeup? What the fuck is it with me?

Suddenly, a weird noise cuts me off from my current thoughts as I see Emma and Zack taking their seats next to mine at the table with me. They smiled at me like nothing in this innocent little world was wrong, but they knew not to play with me and my emotions right now.

Emma cleared her throat, dropped the eager grin, and pulled her chair more up towards the table. "Anyways," she mumbled out, fixing her napkin to place in her lap. She held her breathe as she looked up at me and met my eyes. "You really gotta get yourself out of this damn funk you've got yourself in right now, love. Just tell him how you really feel. You've bottled up for way too long now and it's going to start eating you alive if you don't tell him."

"How do you know it hasn't already taken over and ate me alive on the inside yet?" I countered her with a very blunt glare.

She dropped the act and the whole conversation when she began to eat her food with Zack already doing the same damn thing from beside her.

I went back to playing with my food and sighed every now and again, out of habit and not for attention. I was avoiding eating, sleeping, and breathing... I was really trying avoid a lot of things the past couple of days. One of those things would be a specific person by the name of AJ Styles.

"Hahaha, you got that right, dude!" A loud and deep man's voice rang throughout the catering section to where I had to look up.

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