• Chapter 8 •

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— April 11, 2016 —
(Monday Night Raw)

Tonight, once again, we're in Los Angeles, California, in the Staples Center. Already tonight, Shane has went out there and announced that since Sami Zayn couldn't complete last week in the number one contender's match like he was supposed to, then he would tonight. So, later on tonight and not in the main event this time, AJ will go one-on-one with Sami Zayn. If Sami wins, he's added to the match with Roman Reigns at Payback.

Nevertheless, something tells me tonight is going to be one of the best shows yet. Hm, I don't know yet. Just a hunch.

As for AJ and myself – and the other night, for that matter, he ended up telling me that it was a one-time thing for us to kiss like that. He said that he wasn't comfortable kissing his best friend like that when he just got out of a nasty divorce. I didn't argue with him; I just ended up agreeing, so I would get out of trouble. He even went as far as assuring me that it wouldn't ever get that far on-screen, anyway.

So, currently, I'm backstage in the women's locker room surrounded by the other women. Well, I'm on one side of the room and they're on the other. I can still hear them flapping their gums over there, anyways. I'm hunched over with my elbows in my knees and my phone's in my hand, but it's not on. I'm not even playing on it at the moment because my mind is too far gone to pay attention to anything right now.

Suddenly, I felt somebody hit my shoulder and I looked up to see that it was Emma standing there with her dark lipstick; although, she did look worried. She was eating a candy bar as she took a seat next to me on the bench and asked in her Australian accent, "Hey, what's up? I called your name, like, three times before I hit your shoulder."

I groaned, but it wasn't because of her or her question at all. It was because of how naturally frustrated I have become these days. "Hey, Emma," I softly said, using her ring name. "What's up?"

"What's wrong with you?" she questioned while still using her sweet Australian tone. She peeked over at me and offered me some of her Snickers bar, but I declined. "I thought you were happy now that you were back with AJ?"

I shrugged and sighed, "I am."

She placed her hand on knee, leaned in, and whispered, "What is it, then? Did something happen?"

I quickly shoved her hand off of me, but I wasn't trying to be mean about it. I just didn't want to be touch – or really bothered, for that matter. Emma such a sweet girl and I was addicted to her accent. We go way back to NXT and she's the one of the best girls I actually liked back then, and I still do. Emma knows, out of everyone, that I'm a very reserved type of person, really.

My hands reached up to my face as I tried to relax it by rubbing it. Nothing helped, of course. "I can't talk about it, you know that," I groaned, while still telling her the truth.

I felt her place her hand on my shoulder now when somebody new popped up. It was Nattie again, who was smiling like she normally does. Emma and I greeted her with a wave.

"Are you alright, Britt?" Nattie asked of me, which made me want to explode for some reason. I seen Emma shake her head towards Nattie to give her the head's up not to bother me. "Alright, well, if you ever need anyone, Britt, I'm here for you."

"Thanks, Nattie," I thanked her and lifted up my head once again. "That's well appreciated."

She nodded with a small flat-line grin and walked back over to the other girls. As for Emma, she patted my shoulder and got up to walk over there with her, too. They got the memo, I guess.

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