• Chapter 16 •

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— After Monday Night Raw —

The show ended about an hour and a half ago and we were at one of London's most popular bars, Club 49. I have to say, I may not drink alcohol, but I do love it in here. It's actually very beautiful with all the lights and such. Damn!

British people are always so attractive, to be honest, and with the eyes on me right now from them had got me blushed. However, I'm not interested, of course, because I've technically got AJ and that's all that matters to me.

"Hey, girl," Karl called out to some chick across the bar. He was two sheets in the wind already by this point. So was Luke for that matter. As for AJ and myself, we were as sober as you can be. Well, AJ had like two beers already, but that's not too bad. "Come here, you sweet thing!"

"Karl, don't cheat on your wife," AJ simply said to him as a warning. He ignored AJ and pursued after the girl by getting up and going after her.

I sat up in my chair and hit AJ's arm. "Are you kidding me? That's the only warning you're going to give him?" I had to yell over the music just so he could hear me. "What the fuck?!"

AJ's eyes popped open and he shrugged. "What can I do, Britt? I—"

"Hey, guys, I want y'all to meet my new wife," Karl interrupted AJ and he now appeared with a women in his arms. He took a seat and she sat on his lap. "This is... Uh... This is... What's your name again, sweetheart?"

"Rebecca," she reminded him as she seemed totally uninterested in him. She was just kind of there, I guess. She looked to be mixed, but maybe she was just really tan. She was also wearing a sailor's costume uniform. What the fuck?

"Yeah, Rebecca and I are gonna get married," Karl announced to us. His eyes were a mixture of being halfway open and closed. He smiled all the way until he was laid out on the bench.

Rebecca stood up, glancing back at Karl once, and then walked away before he could get back up. Thank God.

"Smart girl," I commented before I took a swig of my soda. "She got away while she still could."

"Yeah, you're telling me," AJ agreed and looked over the table at a passed out Karl. "Well, we better get him and get out of here."

"Wait, where's Luke at?" I questioned AJ before I began glancing around to try to place where exactly Luke was at the moment.

AJ threw Karl's arm over his shoulder and tried getting him up by himself. "I don't know," he called to me, kind of panicked. Jesus. "Hey, stay here with Karl and I'll go find him! He couldn't have gotten far."

I nodded and rushed over to hold up Karl for AJ. Before he could go anywhere, I grabbed his arm and brought him back to me. I quickly kissed him and said, "Please be careful."

He nodded with a blushing red cheeks, then walked out in the crowd until he was completely gone out of my sight. Dammit! First, Karl's drunk as fuck and now Luke's nowhere to be found. What could be worse?

"That's the guy!" I heard somebody say and I looked up to find Rebecca standing right in front of me posed up with two big men behind her. "That's the guy who owes me money!"

"Owes you money?!" I bellowed, nearly coughing off my lungs. What the seriously hell?!

"Yeah, he owes me for the time we spent together," she squeaked out in her somewhat charming British accent. "Twenty-five dollars, to be exact."

"For what?! Y'all didn't even do anything!" I pointed out to her, trying to calm her fast-ass down. "A matter of fact, you walked away from him!"

"He passed out!" Rebecca tried telling me, flipping her dark hair behind her shoulder. "And if he doesn't give me my money, then they will beat it out of him!" Right on cue, both men behind her cracked their knuckles and tried to scare me. I'm not backing down. Ever.

"Look," I said and pushed Karl off of me, whom was still passed out, "I don't want any trouble and – as you can see – he's already passed out. We can—"

"Or they'll beat it out of you," she cut me off and threatened, pulling her lips tightly together. Our eyes matches up even and I could feel the threat rafting.

"Whatever," I huffed and got my own wallet out of my backpack-purse. I took out twenty-five dollars of my own money and threw it at her.

She looked like she was going to go off on me, but simply picked up the money from the ground and walked away with her two goons. Motherfucker...

"Dammit!" I screamed and hit Karl's bald-ass head, but he didn't feel it. "You ass-clown!"

"Britt?!" I heard my name being called and spun around to find AJ standing with a wobbly Luke. "Let's go!"

I nodded and gathered Karl. I plopped his arm over my back and began carrying him out with AJ quickly coming to my aid to help me. We had to track Luke closely behind us because we didn't want to lose him again.

As soon as AJ unlocked the black SUV, he placed Luke in the passenger seat and went back to helping me out Karl in the back. I had to get in first and pull him in. When he was, AJ slammed the door and got in the driver's seat as we got going.

Karl laid in my lap and soon began moving around again. "Hm...," he muffled out and kind of opened his eyes, but it was only for a split second. "Mommy? Is that you?"

"What? No, you dumbass, it's Britt," I huffed out and slapped his bald head again.

"Ow!" He cuddled up with my legs and looked like he was going to go back to sleep again when he silently said, "Thanks for taking care of me, though. You would be a good mom, Britt."

His drunken words hit me hard, which only reminded me that they were sober thoughts, though. I was all about living in the moment, up until my age hit me and it only reminded me that I only had a few more good years in me to actually settle down and have kids.

AJ must have heard what he said because he quickly glanced back at us for a split second before he had to watch the road again. It made me get a lump in my throat suddenly and something in me suddenly broke. It was my bitter and already torn heart.

Tears slowly and quietly escaped from my eyes, all because of what a drunken Karl had just said. You would be a good mom, Britt. Yeah, well, unfortunately for me, I may never actually know how that feels.

• Now I'm currently depressed 😥 Wow, Britt – no, wait – I mean KARL! Yeah, Karl, what a way to bring somebody down (on accident)! So, a special S/O to lyssaababeee because (wait for the CM Punk quote) she's the best... She's the best in the world! 😝 So, yeah, that "Grace" girl I mentioned about being Karl's GF? Hehehehehehe! Ask Lyssa bout that one! LOLZ, JK, HEHE!!! 😂 Anyways, sorry for this quick note! Next chapter should be better than the rest lately cuz I haven't actually been myself lately cuz of stupid ass work 🙁 All the love .xx •

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