• Chapter 11 •

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— That Night... —

On SmackDown, AJ was scheduled to have a match against Alberto Del Rio. Luke and Karl, of course, didn't have a match scheduled.

After Luke and Karl said they were starving and were gonna go to catering to grab something to eat, I asked AJ if he would stay with me for a minute. He did and waited on me to say something first.

"I just wanted to make sure that you weren't mad at me," I said to him first, which earned a confused from him. "We haven't really talked since that night last week when we... You know."

"Oh, right, that," he sighed, scratching the back of his neck. "Look, Britt, I'm not mad at you. I'm just... I'm just confused, myself, about everything."

Even though that was a small piece of weight off my shoulders, I still didn't know what to say next. What could I say next? 'Oh, by the way, Emma said to talk to you before it's too late. So, AJ, what I'm really trying to say here is that I-I... I love you!' Hell no!

"What's everything, AJ?" I asked instead, so I could figure out his problems before my own.

He let out a huge breath before he plopped down on the couch in this locker room and I carefully sat down beside him. He laid his head in his hands and I knew that I had already made the bad decision of asking that.

"You don't understand how frustrating it is, Britt," he finally said something, which ignited a small flame within me. His head came out of hibernation and our eyes met. "I just got out of a divorce and already made-out with my best friend!"

I did understand, but I wasn't about to tell him that. I fell silent and would just wait on him to go on. I wanted to blow up on him, too, but AJ and I haven't ever had that kind of friendship, really.

"I can't get over the fact that Wendy has already moved on without me," he continued, which I didn't know any of what he's telling me. "She says his name is Paul and he's great with the kids, and all the hunky-dunky crap!"

"AJ, I—"

"But then, there's you, Britt," he slowly said this out and our eyes met for one last time. It felt more intense than ever. "You've always been there with me and for me. If I had met you before Wendy, everything would've been so different."

I didn't move. My breathing suddenly slowed down and nearly stopped in my chest. My eyes stayed glued on his. My heart melted into my stomach like a ice-cream cone sitting in the hot summer heat. What he's saying is that if he had met me before Wendy, I would've had the life she's had with him so far. I would be his wife and the mother of his awesome kids. What he's saying is that he would've loved me before her. The bitter truth of the matter is that I'm simply not any of those things, though.

Before I could react, he placed his left hand on my right cheek and leaned in, resulting in our lips crashing together like a car accident. I moved closer to him and this gave him more to do what he wanted with me. The hand that was by my cheek was now on my side as he used this to push me on the couch and him be on top of me. Different story this time around, I see.

Now, his hands roamed down to my thighs as he hovered over me. Our lips never stopped touching, not even for a split second, because we were attached like glue. The kissing soon escalated into another full make-out session and it was becoming rough.

Oh, God! When his lips left my lips and began to suck off the skin on my neck, I thought I was going to completely lose it. I closed my eyes and, of course, let him do it. I quietly moaned, but not to a point where it was too loud or anything.

Everything was going so good until the door started to open and I shoved AJ right off of me like he did with me the other night. He landed on the floor with a thud sound. Luke and Karl came in laughing about something until they seen the new scene in front of them.

Karl smirked down at AJ and asked, "Dude, what are you doing on your ass?"

I sat up straight on the couch and tried my best to fix my appearance to avoid any more suspicion. It maybe caused more than enough. "So, what were you guys laughing at before?"

Karl and Luke looked straight at myself, then shared a glance among themselves. "It was something that happened out there," Luke said, but quickly cut himself off. "Um, what just happened before we walked in?"

AJ and I exchanged a glance as well, but didn't say a word to one another. Instead, I shrugged and told them, "Nothing. We were play-fighting and I pushed him off the couch, that's all." Good cover-up, Britt!

"Right...," Karl extended the word a little too much, obviously not believing me. I don't really blame them, to be honest, even though I made it up pretty quickly.

A minute later, they ended up telling us what happened. Apparently, Xavier Woods was playing his instrument and it sounded like somebody passed gas, and they died laughing because they hadn't heard it until now. They're so immature, I swear, but they're my friends and I wouldn't change a damn thing about them.

• • •

Alberto Del Rio made it clear before his first-ever matchup against AJ that he was not good enough to hang in the "big leagues." But after a sensational showdown, Del Rio may want to reconsider those sentiments.

The League of Nations' member did his best to ground AJ, but he could not be contained, slipping out of Del Rio's Cross Armbreaker, and rolling up him for the quick victory.

After the match, however, AJ and I shared a victory kiss and the crowd was clearly on our side about this. We went up the ramp hand and hand until we were backstage.

Of course, when we got back to the hotel was when we began getting ready for the dinner party with Emma and Zack, and Rusev and Lana. I had convinced AJ and he agreed.

Luke and Karl wanted to go, but I had to tell them that it was couples, minus AJ and myself, of course. They didn't care. A matter of fact, they said they would go as a gay couple. I died laughing so hard, my stomach started hurting. They even went as far as imitating what they would do and say.

By the time we left, I was already dead because I was still laughing after those fools. They didn't end up going with us, so we went on our own.

Emma texted me and said that we were meeting up at Dave and Buster's – which is always my favorite place to go, because they have food and games. All my favorite things, of course.

When we got there, the waiter took us to the table they were sitting at. I was immediately ambushed in a hug by Emma, then a careful one by Lana. We took our seats and eventually began eating.

By the time we were done, Emma asked the waiter to take a picture of all of us at the table and he said he would, so she handed him her phone to do so. Everyone that has a drink held it up to pose. I hugged AJ by the back just as the flash went off.

Emma smiled down at her phone and announced, "I'll tag you guys!" After she did some more typing on her phone, she looked up at everyone with a fresh new smile. "Now, who wants to play some games?!"

Everyone of us agreed and went out to the main area of the whole place – and that would be the many wonderful games to play. But after playing for about twenty minutes, AJ and I told them that we would be heading out to get on the road for a house show we have to do tomorrow night in Sacramento.

When I went to my Twitter afterwards, I seen the post Emma had posted of us with the caption of: "With special friends tonight ;)" And the fans were going nuts about AJ and I, especially.

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