• Chapter 22 •

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— Later That Same Night —

Against AJ's authority, I go ahead with Nick and them after Raw goes off the air and they release us. As of right now, we're at a local club called Room 960.

It's been taking me for a while to get used to this new scene without my usual partners-in-crime in AJ, Karl, and Luke. For the most part, it feels a little strange without AJ, for real.

Other than myself, there's Nick, Emma, Zack, Dana Brooke, and Mojo Rawley. They're all crowded up around me with drinks in hand and laughing over the loud music and strobe lights.

"Hey, girl!" Emma nudged me to get my attention. She was giggling way too much, which told me that she was beyond drunk right now. If anything, she's about there. "Loosen up some! You need a drink!" She turned completely around and called to the bartender: "Excuse me! Bartender, I need some more drinks over here for my—"

"Dude," I spat out and jerked on her arm, making her look at me. "I don't need a drink, alright? I'm fine."

"Nick!" Emma yelled, signaling for Nick. He turned around and looked dead at her. "We gotta get her... Her a drink, yeah!"

"No problem," Nick resolved, calling for the bartender and he came down to where he was. "I need some more drinks for my friend over here."

"What the fuck? I am not saying that I don't need anything right now?" I stammered out, feeling very ignored and I didn't like that whatsoever.

I'm not even a heavy drinker. For that damn matter, I'm not even a light drinker. I'm a nothing drinker because I don't ever do it to begin with!

Nevertheless, Nick shoved a drink into my grasp and gave me an encouraging smile. I wasn't falling for it as I gave him a straight-line smirk in return. I shook my head and sat the glass on the bar.

"Oh, come on, Britt," Nick tried encouraging me, nudging my shoulder since he's much taller than me. "Just one drink, okay? And if don't want to do it anymore after that, then you don't have to! How about that?"

I growled under my breath and rolled my eyes, but snatched up the glass of some kind of alcoholic beverage. "Fine," I spat out and sighed. "If it's the only way to get you two off of my back, then whatever." For some dumbass reason, I'm agreeing to this.

He smiled, as if, he had won and lifted up his own glass with the pinky pointed outwards. "Bottom's up, then, Britt!"

Then, together, we put the glasses up to our mouths and began to drink up whatever it was that was in our separate glasses. Honestly, the drink didn't seemed spiked or anything to the point that it was that disgusting. It tasted like vodka and it wasn't that bad, really. And, honestly, it made my adrenaline and heart speed up all in one bounce.

Unfortunately, for my untaught body, that one little drink lead to another, then another and another... And I think you can predict the rest from this point on.

• • •

Through my blurry vision and memory, I remember asking what time it was and that's when somebody – don't remember who right now – said it was a little past midnight. That being said, it was only reminded me of how much I was so tired from this whole night — yet I was having so much fun at the same time!

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