Chapter 4

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I panicked and knocked on his door I wasn't sure what to do. "Jaime are you okay?" I heard him walking towards the door and he opened it. He was holding his hand to his chest and I could see it was bleeding. "I cut my hand." I could tell he was in pain. "Oh god do you need to go to the hospital?"

"No its not that bad just get the first aid kit from the top shelf of the kitchen."

I did as he told me and sat next to him on the table. "May I?"

He nodded and gave me his hand. I wasn't a big fan of blood so I was very careful not to hurt him. The wound wasn't that deep so I cleaned it first with alcohol. "What happened?" He winced as I put the alcohol on his hand. "I was trying to fix something with a pocket knife and I accidentally stabbed myself."

I put a big bandage on the wound, it was almost on the palm of his hand so it would hurt a lot. "You know I really got scared."

He laughed and nodded his head. "Im sorry I didn't mean to, thanks for helping." I smiled and put the kit back to the shelf. He went to his room and I went to mine. It was a long day and it wasn't as bad as I thought, well maybe it was.

I got back into my bed and went to sleep. Tomorrow would be a long day and many more things I will have to get used to. I drifted off to sleep thinking about HIM. It was hard not to think of HIM. Maybe having Jaime as a friend would help.


I heard voices well a voice It was Jaime and he was arguing with some one what seemed to be on the phone.  My eyes still didn't adjust to the light and closed again. "YOU CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS! WHATS YOUR PROBLEM! IM SO TIRED OF THIS BULLSHIT!"
I wonder who he was talking to but whom ever it was this person really made him mad and I couldn't deal with a mad Jaime this early in the morning.

I got up and went to brush my teeth and put my hair on a bun. I put some sandals on and went to the kitchen. I saw some pancake mix and started making them, I also found bacon and eggs and made a chocolate shake. He came into the kitchen not in such a good mood. "Hey would you like some pancakes, bacon, eggs and chocolate shake?" I laughed at how funny that sounded. "Yea whatever." I gave him a plate and served myself one. "Hows your hand?"

"Better." He wasn't saying much so I stopped talking to him and started eating. I almost forgot about the cook out with his friends and I got a little nervous. How was I supposed to act? Did they know I was his hired girlfriend? I don't know but I really hoped they like me. "Be ready by 12:30." He got up and washed his plate, it was about to be 10 so I had time to take a shower and get ready.

I was still very sleepy but I knew if I took a nap I would wake up very late. I made my bed and turned the shower on. I took a bra and some panties with me and locked my door. I stepped in and let my muscles relax because I sure wasn't ready for today so a nice shower would sure be helpful. I washed my hair with shampoo that smelled like pomegranates, it was my favorite along with the conditioner.

After washing my body I got out put my underwear on and wrapped a towel around my body. I decided I was going to wear some white shorts with a red shirt that said "love yourself" with my white converse. It was a casual look but I liked it. I put some mascara on and red lipstick which fit really good with my shirt. My hair dried and was now straight as always and to finish my look I put some gold earrings and some gold bracelets.

By the time I was done it was 11:30 so I had an hour to spare. I decided to do my finger nails and painted them gold and put some glitter on them. They ended up looking very cute and I liked cute. It was now 12 and the nerves started kicking back again. I looked in the mirror multiple times to see that I looked good and not a mess.

Jaime knocked on my door telling me that it was time to go. I grabbed my purse, phone, keys, charger, and few things I considered would be helpful. "Are you ready?" He asked me not looking at me but his phone like always. "Yes but a little nervous to be honest." This time he picked his head up and gave me a weird face. "Nervous? Why?" He laughed and locked the door to his apartment and took the elevator. "Well I don't know your friends so that makes me nervous." We got to the lobby and walked towards his car.

"You shouldn't be nervous if you weren't nervous to spend the night at a strangers house then why be nervous to meet his friends."

Did he really just do that! He opened the door for me and I got in buckling my seat belt in. "Even though I didn't know you I knew you were a good person."

He laughed at me and put his shades on as I did too. "You don't know me so you can't say I'm a good person."  I looked out the window as he put some on. "You're right I was just trying to help you."

"That's the thing I didn't want your help I could've solved this myself!"

He was yelling at me now which was making me really mad because I'm not trying to harm him rather help him. "Okay then you know what if thats how you want it fine I will just call Brenda today and tell her I quit." I was really mad now and I wanted to get away from him.

"It's to late for that you know."

"Better than never." We were around 15 minutes into the ride and it got really quit just the music playing. "Im sorry okay! I know you're trying to help me but yourself too and I always get mad about the subject. I shrugged and laid my head on the window. "Do they know?" I asked him referring to his friends and me.

"Yea they do we are all very close." When he said that I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. For about 5 minutes the ride was still silent as we arrived to a big white house. It was beautiful with a lot of trees and flowers. I loved nature especially palm trees, they reminded me of the beach. The house was very secured with cameras in the gate and its surroundings and some men who looked out for intruders. I started to wonder who his friends were.

He gave the men in the entrance a card and he opened the gate for us. He parked the car and opened the door for me. I murmured a thank you as he led me inside.  If the outside was beautiful the inside was gorgeous. Chandeliers, frames, it was stunning. He led me to the back door and when I saw his friends I almost got a heart attack.

Hey girls almost done with chapter 5 just finishing few things but go watch my #CNCOchallenge on Instagram and tag CNCO please it would mean alot❤️

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