Chapter 29

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Almost a month had passed since that day where I felt that my world fell down, almost a month since I made my decision. Jaime had healed and so had Erick and Deisy.
I had tried so hard not to get Jaime's hopes up anymore and I think he started to notice.

We were watching a movie when he scooted closer to me. "What are you doing?"

"Im trying to cuddle with you." I scooted away and he gave me an annoyed look. "Ariel whats wrong? You have been acting weird lately."

"Nothing Jaime I just don't want to accidentally hurt your wounds or anything."

"Ariel they healed long time ago.. I want you close to me." It was so hard not giving in but I tried my best. "I still think I could hurt you."
With out thought he grabbed my chin and kissed me, he didn't get a reaction from me and I got up quickly walking to my room. I locked the door and started to cry.

Jaime.. Why does the worst things have to happen to me. I don't want to but I had to. I had everything ready, the apartment we were moving too had our furniture there already. I had told Deisy and she didn't want to leave me alone. I had my own savings in the bank and would return all the money to Jaime.

He knocked on my door and that only made me cry more. "Ariel! Open the door please!"

"I don't feel good Jaime... Please leave me alone." He seemed to leave and I heard the door close. I knew what I was about to do would hurt him so bad but I was only trying to protect him. I called Deisy and she was on her way. I left a note and took my things down to the lobby. Deisy picked me up and started driving to Savannah.

"Are you okay?"

"No Dei.. I feel like the worst person ever."

"You are only trying to protect him."

"I know but it still hurts me."

"Its okay doll... Life is hard but you can make it through."

For the rest of the ride I was silent thinking of how Jaime would take it.

Jaime's P.O.V
I had went to buy some ice cream for Ariel to try and make her feel better. Lately she had been acting distant from me and I didn't like it.
I knocked on her door but she didn't answer.

I opened the door to find the room empty. "Ariel?" I loocked in the bathroom but I didn't see her, her closet was empty and I saw the note on her bed.

Jaime I am so sorry for this but just know that I had to do this to protect you. I already put you in a lot of danger and you don't know how many times I blame myself for what happened a month ago. I feel like I only bring bad luck to you and I want you to be safe. I know it has been 4 months since I met you but I really care about you. Im truly sorry Jaime and I hope you find someone better. I left the credit card with all the money in it and all the things you guys gave me. Bye Jaime! See you soon.

I threw the bag I had and screamed. She couldn't have left me like this. I was mad because she taught all of this was get fault... I actually LOVED her and didn't get to tell her. Ariel.. Baby why! I had to find her and tell her. This hurt me more than it should. I was angry at her for leaving me. I sat on the floor and cried. I decided to lock this room just in case she decided to come back.

I was not going to loose hope. I would find her and tell her what I felt. She is special.. She is mine.

This room will always be hers and I will forever cherish it. I called my mom and told her what was happening and she said that it was okay... Everything was gonna be okay but I didn't believe that.

I got up and went to my car. Today I was going to let all this out. I will drink my heart out.

Starting today it would be so different. Everything was about to change.

Ariel's P.O.V
I was in my new room, I deactivated all my social media, changed my phone number and everything. The tears couldn't stop flowing down my cheeks and no matter how hard Deisy tried to make me feel better nothing could stop what I felt right now.

It would be so hard to start over again because I wanted Jaime back, who would cuddle with me when those storms came through. I was so used to having Jaime with me that it almost seemed impossible. I didn't want to leave him but I had no choice. I couldn't go back and put him in danger again.

I also left a note for Erick and the guys, I knew how much I was hurting Erick too but they were also not safe with me around. This was for the best... It really was. Deisy was also having a hard time dealing with this situation and I consoled her like she did with me. She had been such s great help with this all.

My parents supported my decision and lhelped me with everything. I hoped that Jaime would find someone better than me because he deserved the best and that was not me. This was the end of us, this was the goodbye.

Jaime's P.O.V
I went from drink to drink. I wanted to forget her already. The feeling was unbearable! I couldn't take this anymore. Some girl came over  and started dancing on me, everything was a blur and I didn't care and grabbed her head and kissed her.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them I saw her.. I saw Ariel.

Hey everyone! So here is another chapter and hope you guys enjoy it! This was such a chapter full of emotions and I wrote this chapter with both P.o.v's so you could see how both of them felt! Anyways HIRED GIRLFRIEND REACHED 3K! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH YOU GIRLS DON'T KNOW HOW HAPPY YOU GUYS MAKE ME WITH YOUR SUPPORT! THANK YOU ALL! Even thought its a little hard to update in the weekend cause of school but I try to update as much I can.

QOTD:Do you think Ariel made the right decision?)

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