Chapter 20

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I woke up early this morning because I had to go grocery shopping. I didn't mind to dress up so some nike shorts and a long shirt where more than enough. I put my hair in a pony tail and woke Jaime up. "Jaime wake up!"

"Ugh let me sleep!"

"Come on we have some things to do." If his bed hair wasn't the sexiest thing ever than I don't know what is. He woke up and got dressed. We left breakfast for later and got going. "So where exactly are we going?"

"Walmart please." We arrived and he parked the car. I grabbed a buggie and went to the food isle. "Okay so we need a couple of things, do you need anything?"

"I actually need a new charger, I will be right back."
I nodded and grabbed some milk, eggs, juice, cheese, and other things I needed. I was in the bread isle when I heard a familiar voice. "We going to give them a little surprise." I grabbed the buggie and left to the clothes section. I called Jaime on the phone and asked where he was at. "Im in the electronics section, where are you at?"

"Im at the cloth..." I didn't get to finish because some one covered my mouth. My phone dropped to the ground and I started to panic. "Hello princess, listen to me, do not call out for help, you are going to hold my hand and walk out like the couple we will be, understand?" I nodded my head and hoped Jaime would come soon.

He uncovered my mouth and turned around to talk with his friend. I picked up my phone hiding in inside my shirt and saw Jaime coming. Shawn turned around and I ran towards Jae. "Jaime!!" I ran into his arms and he hugged me tightly. Shawn's face was so red from anger and pointed towards Jaime and left.

I felt the tears in my eyes but held them in. "Im so glad you came in time." He soothed me and hugged me. I looked at his hands and furrowed my eyebrow. "Where is the charged?"

"There wasn't any, lets go home, you've had enough for today."

We payed for our things and left to his apartment. Once we were there I put everything away and went to sit in the couch. Jaime in the other hand went into his room and called someone. I hated Mondays. I turned the tv on and started watching Lilo & Stitch. My heart was still pumping so fast from earlier and even though I hate to admit it, Shawn was still my first love. Jaime came out of his room and sat down with me. "I sent 3 bodyguards to your family, 1 for each of your family members, mom sent 2 for us, she called your parents so they know whats going on."

When he said that I immediately felt more relieved. "Omg thank you."

"Look I know we just met couple of days ago but I really need to know what is your story with this guy."

I couldn't get myself to tell him, my story was so painful. "Come on Ari, Im trying to help." He was right so I decided to make it short. "He was my first boyfriend, I fell for him hard, he is a bad boy and hurt me emotionally and physically a lot of times."

I felt my heart ache, it hurt every time I told someone about him. I didn't dare to look at him and kept my eyes fixed on the tv. He was about to reach for me when the be rang. He got up and opened the door. "Is Ariel here?" It was Deisy and Mariana. "Yes, come on in."

"Omg Ariel! Are you okay! Jaime told us what happened?" They hugged me and asked me so many questions. "Im okay, thank you girls for coming."

"We were on our way to the mall and decided to stop by so we have to get going."

"Be careful please and have fun." They left and I went to my room to rest. Soon I was getting a lot of messages from the CNCO guys and the girl, my family, and Jaime's family to sed how I was doing. I logged into Instagram, I had so many notifications. I scrolled down my feed and one picture in particular caught my attention. It was Jaime and a girl kissing and it was taken today. The caption read "Jaime today with a new girl at walmart! Did he brake up with Ariel that fast."

I was so fed up, while I almost got kidnapped he was smooching with some other girl! How could he. It didn't even matter because I was working for him but inside I felt a pang in the heart because I was catching feelings for him. I logged out and got up to lock my door.

This was so unbearable. Soon something popped up in my head. I would take a long vacation to MEXICO! My beautiful country, this would make all this stress go away. I grabbed my bag and packed some clothes, I ordered my ticket online, I would be leaving tomorrow morning at 10.

He came to my door and knocked. "Ariel open up! Lets hang out!"
I opened my door and when he saw me packing he had a confused look on his face. "What are you doing?"

"Packing some clothes."

"I know that but where are you going?"

"Mexico!" I gave him a smile and kept packing. "Why? Are you leaving

"Take a vacation from all this stress and you, I leave tomorrow at 10 A.M."

"What do you mean me?" I rolled my eyes and ignored his question. "Stop ignoring me! Tell me why the sudden vacation?"

"Just happened to see you at walmart with that girl kissing while I almost get kidnapped." I eyes went wide open and he started to come closer. "Let me expl.."

"No don't, it's your life, I just work for you but really you are ruining your image yourself, thank you for what you are doing with the bodyguards for my family, I appreciate that."

"Ariel don't do this! Let me come with you." I shook my head no an closed my bag. "I want to take this alone time for me! Don't ruin it!"

He crossed his arms and left out of my room. I closed the door and took out my phone and called my mom to let her know what I was doing.

*Phone Convo*
A: Hey ma.
M:Hola mija, estas bien?
A:Yes ma but Im going to Mexico for a week or so.
M:Pero porque mija!
A:I have so much going on, I need time to myself.
M:Okay mija I understand, Im gonna call your tias, be careful mija, te quiero.
A:Yo tambien mami, bye.

I hung up and also called Deisy and Erick. They were both surprised but understood. I hope this trip helps and makes me think better. Maybe this vacation won't be so bad.

Hi im so sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was quite busy and didn't have time left.. Today I was busy too but I got Ch.20 done.. A little fact about today is that actually exactly 1 year I had my quinceañera in Mexico.😊at this time the baile was taking place😂 but anyways hope you all liked this chapter! Ch.21 tomorrow!!
QOTD:Do you think Shawn still loves Ariel? }

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