Chapter 18

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I woke up around 7 to get ready, Amaia was still asleep on my bed so I didn't wake her up. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I decided on wearing denim shorts that had lace on the bottom, a black tank top with a pattern bra, black sandals, I added some jewelry and let my hair dry.

Jaime came in later on to make sure I was ready. "Aw come on princess lets get you to bed." He scooped Amaia up and I followed him. I saw how gentle he was his little sister, he placed her down on her bed and kissed her forehead. It truly was so adorable he turned around and walked over to me. "Areyou ready to go?" I nodded and we left.

We got in the car and headed to Guaynabo. "Aren't you nervous?"

"Just a little bit but Im really excited more than anything."

"Thats good, positive vibes." I put my shades on and got more comfortable in my seat. "Ariel, I know you think Im crazy but can you answer a question?"

"Umm I guess so."

"But please be honest with me." I looked over at him and nodded. "Did you like the kiss?" His question made me blush, I looked away from him and looked at my lap. "Ariel, Answer me." I didn't want to say no because I would be lying to myself. I did like it and a lot.
"Yes, yes I did."

He smirked and turned the radio on. I still felt the heat in my cheeks and plugged my headphones in. An hour later we arrived to where his concert would be held at. His band was already getting set up and he started to help them. I wandered around the place which was pretty big.

I heard the screams of girls outside and I went to take a peek. "Jaime! Jaime!" They chanted and when they saw me they started screaming. "Omg! Ariel!! Come take pictures with us please." The guards let me out and I took some pictures with them. "Ariel can you give this to Jaime please." A girl handed me a mickey mouse and I nodded.

His Cruzers were all so supportive, they were just the best. I went in and Jaime was looking for me. "Ariel.. Omg.. You scared me, I thought I had lost you."

He came and hugged me, he smelled so good. "I was just saying hi to the Cruzers."

"I know but I got worried, are you hungry?" I didn't realize that it was already 1 o clock. "Umm just a little bit."

"Well come over here we have pizza." We walked over to the stage where everyone was at eating. "Jaime we left some pizza for your lady." I blushed and grabbed the pizza left. "Are you guys ready."
I asked them and they all nodded. It was truly so boring until 3 came.

Finally all the guys and dancers got ready as so did Jaime. "How do I look?" He came out of his dressing room and he looked amazing. "You look great, have fun."

"Aren't you going to give your boyfriend a good luck kiss." One of Jaime's band mates told me. Jaime looked at me and smirked. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I put my hands around his neck and he kissed me, I felt the butterfiles fly and the sparks. He bit my lip like he always does and it drives me crazy. "Good luck Jaime."

Soon he went on stage and performed. The crowd was loud and so many girls that loved him.
For the next 2 days it was the same, early practice, concert, home and sleep. Soon we were leaving back to Georgia and I couldn't be more excited. It was now the 8th and would be leaving early to the airport. "Bye Princess Amaia, Im going to miss you a lot, when we see each other again we can play again."

"Promise Princess Ariel, Prince Jaime take care of her."

"I promise my Princess I will take care of my other Princess." We put our bags in the cab and got ready to go. "Have a safe flight, Ariel I will see you Sunday, you guys have an important event." I nodded and we left. We got to the airport just in time and left back to the USA. It had been such a long weekend.

Even though we barely did much I enjoyed Puerto Rico and hoped to come back soon.

Back in Georgia so many things awaited, my family and friends. So many things that I have there, the secrets, the pain, the memories. When we arrived I was so happy. Soon we were back at my apartment and all the guys had came to hang out. "We missed you so much."

"Tell us how the trip was." We answered all of their question and settled down to eat. The news came on and I saw my face. "Reports of the beautiful Ariel Hernandez being pregnant by the worldwide super star Jae Cruz."

I gasped in shock at how fake this was. "Omg how could they just make up something this terrible."

"I don't think it was made up more like some one spread this rumor."
Jaime looked at me and then went out. He looked very mad and upset. "I got it let me go talk to him." Richard went behind Jaime as we stayed to talk. "I hate that they think Im pregnant and play with a kids life like that, theres has been nothing between me and him."

"Don't feel that way because this is just the beginning, just know its not true and that you have our support."

"Thank you so much Lili."

"Well we have stayed here for a while now, we have to get going, bye Ariel." Kemberly got everyone up and soon they left. "Want to tell us how Puerto Rico was?"

"Omg it is so pretty, so beautiful."
Jaime came in and signaled me to my room. "Hmm, I'll be back." I went over to the room and closed the door. "Ariel please tell me you aren't the one who spread this rumor."

I gasped at how unbelievable this was. "Jaime you really think I would make up something this serious."

"No.. I mean yes.. Ugh I don't know anymore Ariel." I went over to where he was sitting at my bed and sat next to him. "Jaime, trust me, Im not that way, please believe me.. Im trying to help you not harm you."

He looked at me and smiled, he got up and pulled me up with him. "I trust you." I felt his arm snake around my waist and soon his lips were on mine. I couldn't resist and gave in. He laid me down in my bed, his lips were so plump and sweet. I felt his hands roam my body and they finally settled in my waist. Our making out session stopped when Deisy knocked on the door.

"Ariel some one is looking for you at the door." Jaime got off from me and I fixed my hair. "Im coming."
Jae got up and followed me to the door. I opened it and my eyes went wide open. Omg no it couldn't be him. What did he want.. Why did he have to come back.

"Hey Ariel."

Cliff hanger😈Im so sorry I didn't update yesterday, I got caught up finishing some things I needed to get done... Anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter... Remember to vote... Also Ch.19 tomorrow.. oh and I know I skipped the other 2 concerts but I needed to keep the story going...
QOTD:Who do you think spread the rumor? And who do think came to visit Ariel?}

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