Chapter 39

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"Mommy! I want some cookies" it's been 5 years later and I now have a 4 year old daughter named Lucy. Jaime decided to propose one day when we went on a  cruise .

Everything was going better, my life was great and I had a lovely family. "Baby you have to eat your food first then I can give you cookies." Lucy pouted but she nodded her head and started eating the macaroni and cheese I had made for her. The sound of the door opening caught my attention and soon Jaime was walking into the kitchen. "Hey babe."

He came over to me and gave me a light peck on my lips. "Hey baby."

"Daddy!!!" Lucy got off her chair and ran to Jaime which he picked her up and spun her around. "Hey princess, are you done eating your food."

"Yes daddy but I want some cookies now."

He laughed and went to the counter were we kept the cookies and took one out for her. I went up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "How was the concert baby."

"The crowd was amazing, I'm tired though."

"I bet." He turned around and with one hand he held Lucy and he wrapped his other hand around my waist. "I love you baby and I'm so glad I have you here with me after all you were just my hired girlfriend, I love the family we have created and I will always be here for my Queen and my Princess."

"I love you too baby so freaking much I'm so glad your mom hired me because I fell in love with you."

"I love you too mommy and daddy." We kissed Lucy on her cheeks and with that we went on to watch a movie. I wouldn't change them for anything in the world.

The end.

I know I know what a terrible ending but I decided to finish the story because I have no encouragement to write anymore and I have been super busy with my life and stressed out... I'm a senior and soon will graduate but I have also been reading a lot of werewolf books and they have gotten so boring and cliche now that I want to change it up and write a new one ... I'm still working on it but it will soon be up and I also need a cover... anyone willing to help? It you want to hit me up please !!!!!

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