Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
I woke up to Deisy shaking me. "Ariel wake up Jaime is outside."
I realized Erick was gone and left a note. "Morning chula had to leave for early rehearsals, have a good day I will text you later." I blushed at the name and got up to see what was going on. I was putting my hair in a bun when Jaime burst in my room.

"What are you doing here in my room, I can't go into your room so same rules apply to you in my apartment."

"Sorry okay but I really need you to go back now that they have seen us together."

I rolled my eyes and went into my bathroom to brush my teeth. "Jaime I wasn't kidding when I told you I was quitting."

"I know you weren't but this time im pleading you to go back."

He looked at the note on my bed and I walked over to take it away.

"I don't know Jaime!"

"Ariel please!"

I rolled my eyes but knowing me I would end up saying yes. I liked helping people and my instincts kicked in. "Fine but promise you won't do this again."


He grabbed my bag which I never unpacked and waited for me at the door. "Im going to go buy some things I need so be ready in 15."

I sighed and took a quick shower. It was going to be another long day so I decided to put some black leggings and my pink Minnie Mouse shirt and my Nikes.

"Deisy well I will explain to you later whats happening but as of now here is an extra key to the apartment, feel free to get food and I will be back tomorrow. I left my number in the counter call me if any thing happens."

She gave me a hug and I went down to the lobby and waited for Jaime. "Um didn't you have an interview the other day we were supposed to attend?"

"Yes but I rescheduled."

I was thinking of HIM that I didn't hear what Jaime asked me. "Wait what?"

"I asked why are you scared of storms?"

"Oh well they freak me out, I love nature but storms are something that I don't enjoy."

"But they come unexpected how did you make it through school and things like that?"

"Well at school everyone knew my little problem, I usually had all my classes with Selena so every time there was a storm I would just move to her desk, the teacher knew why, my classmates knew why, when Selena wasn't there I would sit next to somebody else. At home I always had my parents and my sister."

It was true I knew Selena since kindergarten so we were always together, my parents never questioned me why and my sister was always there to hug me. "Thats very interesting you know I never saw that coming, so did Erick spend the night?"

I laughed at his question because it was something it didn't matter to him. "Yes but he left early."

"Oh well we have the interview today at 1 so be ready, I need you to dress up because we are making us official."

"Hmm okay."

We got to his apartment and headed in. It was 11 so I decided to look for an outfit and start on my makeup and hair. For my hair I curled it and I gave myself a smokey look for my eyes. I always took time on my eyeliner so at the end it would come out perfect.

I picked a red dress that had like tiny white polka dots. It had a peter pan neck that was white along with the wrist. I decides to put my black closed toe wedges and put some gold jewelry on and grabbed my black purse.

When I was finished it was 12:45 so I headed to the living rook and waited for Jaime there. He came out with some black skinny jeans on with a white shirts and a black jacket. Around his waist was a red and black flannel shirt and he had on his white shoes. His outfit made him look very stylish and I got to admit that he looked very hot.

"Are you ready to go?" I nodded my head and we headed out to the car. "You look cute."

"Thank you, I like your outfit it suits you." He laughed as we both put our shades on. I was thinking about the interview when it hit me. "How did me meet?"

"Hmm what?"

"How did we meet or you are going to tell them I'm your hired girlfriend." I laughed at my own statement because it was funny.

"Oh yeah you are right, any ideas."

I thought about it for a second, "What if we tell them that we met at one of CNCOs parties for the release of Quisiera."

"Yeah that sounds good."

We arrived to a studio where the interview was taking place. He parked the car and we headed in. A lady who was very pretty and looked around 30ish welcomed us in. "The one and only Jaime Cruz today!"

We sat down in some really comfy chairs and the lady started asking us questions. "So Jaime tell us about your new song "La Apuesta."

It was so boring, I was literally just here listening to them talking until she asked about me. "And who is this young lady here today."

"She my girlfriend Ariel." She smiled at me gave me a hug. "Well looks like out cutie is taken now and the lucky lady is so beautiful! You have a keeper here."

"Yes I do she truly make me really happy and the time we spend together is priceless."

He put his hand around my shoulders and pulled me closer. "So tell me Ariel how y'all met."

"Well we met at the party CNCO threw for their new single Quisiera, they introduced us so we started talking."

"Well I wish y'all the best and y'all truly look good together, thank you for coming today and Jae we can't wait for the next song."

"No thank you Lety it was a pleasure being here and soon more music to come from me."

We got ready to leave and the least I expected were all the cameras outside waiting for us. "Jaime can we take a picture of you and your girlfriend."

He put his arm around my waist and smiled to the cameras. "She is very pretty you are very lucky."

He said thank you and grabbed my hand leading me to the car. "I didn't expect that, I wonder how they found out we would be here."

Once in the car I took my phone out, it was blowing up with so many new followers, likes, and comments. Some comments were positive while others negative so O just turned my phone off. "That was so boring."

"I know but this is my life."

"Are we going home now?" I was really tired some how and wanted to get in bed. "Yes I have somewhere to go."

I rolled my eyes and sat back in my seat. Where ever he had to go wasn't my business. For some reason it gave me a weird feeling and I didn't like that.

*Hey my lovely readers... I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.. Next ch will be up in a few minutes. Oh and if you dont already follow my Jae Cruz fp @jaecruzworlwide ❤️remeber to vote and share my story*

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