Chapter 11

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He was about to kiss me but I quickly got up. "Ariel whats wrong."
I didn't want to kiss Jaime because then s same thing would happen cnnwhen I was with HIM. "Im sorry I just can't." I knew I would have to kiss him but at this moment I wasn't ready.

I walked to my room and instead of unpacking I took out my drawing pad and started sketching flowers. Its not that I didn't want to kiss Jaime because I was really tempted it's just that in this case I didn't want to catch feelings for him because after all this is just a temporary job.

"Ariel can I come in?"

"Yes." He came in and sat next to me on my bed. "Im sorry I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."

"Its fine just pretend it didn't happen." He nodded and stayed watching me sketch. "Jaime Im going to Office Depot want to come?" My question took him by surprise and laughed. "Yes I'll drive."

I got my purse and we walked to the car. It was barely 3 so we had a lot of time to shop for what I needed. When we got to the lobby there was a man with another camera and immediately took pictures of us. Jaime grabbed my hand and quickly pulled me towards the car. "Ugh we have no privacy."

He started the car and got on the road. "What are you going to buy?"

"Decorations." He turned towards me and nodded his head. "Oh uh uh you are not redecorating my house."

"No silly Im decorating my room because its plain and ugly." I laughed and reached for my phone.
"Ariel can I ask you something?"

"Yes sure."

"Do you think I'm a bad person?"
The question took me by surprise and it took me a minute to respond.
"I don't think you are a bad person because you have a big heart, I think you just don't know how to let go of the past."

He looked at me and then back to the road. "It's hard to do that. I've tried but I can't."

"I understand because that is also my problem. I want to let go but I can't."

We arrived to Office Depot and he parked, I grabbed a buggie and entered the stored. "So what exactly are you going to buy?"

"Well palm trees, fishes, pillows, blankets, starfish, seashells, and more things." He gave me a confused look making me giggle.

"Its going to be a beach theme room." He laughed making his dimples show. I loved dimples.

"Okay so first I need palm tress and seashells." Office Depot had many things that really were helpful. We spent the whole afternoon shopping and when we left the car was packed. "Women! You bought so many things.. What am I going to do with all these things when the year is over?"

"Simple! I will just pack them and pit them in my storage so later on I can redecorate my room which also has a beach theme if you haven't noticed, basically all my apartment is beach theme."

He laughed and started driving to his apartment. "How are you liking the balcony?"

Balcony? What was he talking about. "What balcony?"

"The one in your room behind the mirror doors?"

"Thats a balcony! Omg I thought it was just a mirror!" I laughed and gasped at how I didn't figure that out. "Oh poor Ari!"

We laughed and arrived to the luxurious apartments he lived in and yes I could see the balcony from down below. He got some of the people who worked here to help us with the things and I immediately got to decorating the room. "Can I help?"

"No! Go away!" I pushed him out of my room and locked the door. "But I want to help!"

"Until I'm done you can come in and see." He huffed and I guess he went to the living room.

I spent the rest of the day here and I truly loved the outcome. It made me feel better, much more at home. The room made me feel relaxed and it gave a nice feeling. Before letting him in I opened the mirror door to the balcony and it took my breath away. I could see the city from here and it was so beautiful, I got some extra things I had and put some finishing touches to the balcony. Jaime you can come in now!" I unlocked the door and he walked in.

"Oh wow you should be an interior designer, it looks super cool."
I blushed at his comment and said thanks. "I cooked dinner if you you're hungry."

"Oh my god yes im starving!" We walked to the kitchen and he had made some quesadillas which were really good. "So tell me why did you decide on a beach theme."

"I like palm trees and the beach brings a sence of peace. It makes me relax and feel nice."

"We should go to the beach tomorrow!" I almost choked on my quesadilla. "Are you serious!"

He laughed and nodded. "I have nothing to do." I was about to respond to him but there was a knock on the door. He got up and went to open it.

"Jaime baby I missed you so much."
A young girl came through the door and door and hugged Jaime. "Mia what are you doing here?"

Oh so this was the Mia girl he called me last night. "Babe I came to see you what else?" She clearly hadn't seen me until Jaime looked over at me. I took that as a sign and went to my room, it wasn't my buisness but inside I felt a pang to the heart. It was weird and I didn't like it.

"Mia you know that I can't see you because of what happened." I heard him tell her. "Baby but I missed you and I want to be with you!"

"Mia you don't understand! I have somebody else!" Those words he said made me smile. They made me feel some type of way. I turned my music on so I wouldn't hear more. What did he mean by that? I don't know but it could be a good thing or bad.

I got on twitter and I saw my picture with Jaime when we were at Waffle House. "Our beloved Jae Cruz has a new girlfriend and they look so cute together. Some say that he is cheating on her, true or not the lad has a beautiful girl."

Cheating? I laughed because if he was it didn't really matter. It was my job to make this look real and the people believed it. I turned my phone off and cuddled into my bed. It was 10:30 P.M. So I decided to go to bed. Decorating the room had made me very tired. I couldn't hear them anymore so maybe she left or he went with her.

I admired how the room looked and was very proud of it. I remembered what Jae said about going to the beach but maybe that idea was long gone. I couldn't find the sleep so I started singing. Jaime knocked on my door and came in. "Hey are you asleep?"

"No I can't, my eyes won't let me."

"Well try, it's pretty late and we have to wake up early tomorrow, goodnight Ari."

"Goodnight Jaime." He closed my door and I went back to try and sleep. I even started counting sheep and I hit 100 when my eyes finally closed. I started dreaming of the ocean, the beach, the water, and then of Erick. He was about to kiss me and then it wasn't him anymore but Jaime. I was backing up to the wall when BOOM!

*HEY! Im working on Ch. 12 so be patient cause I also some things to do so if i don't finish today maybe tomorrow... Anyways hope you liked this and remember tk vote and share my story with yojr friends!*

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