Chapter 31

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Jaime's P.O.V
All the squad decided to go to the movies. Even Mia agreed to go even though I knew she would rather watch it in her private movie theatre. "Babe are you ready to go?" Rebecca told me. She hugged me by my waist and I kissed her forehead. I met Rebecca at Premios Juventud, her artistic name was Becky G and she was extremely beautiful. "I am, lets go."

We all went on different cars and left to the movie theatre. I was in the car with Richard, he wad driving and sat in the back with Becca, that what I called her. I held her hand and she cuddled with me. Soon we were at the theatre and waited for the rest. I immediately got a weird feeling in my stomach when we got there but tried to ignore it. It was a feeling I couldn't explain and I never felt before.

"So what movie are we gonna watch?" Erick asked and we all decided to go for Conjuring 2. We bought popcorn and went to take our seats. "Babe Im going to be scared."

"Don't worry Princess, Im here to protect you baby." I pulled her towards me and she snuggled into me. It had been a year and I gave up looking for Ariel long time ago, I cried a lot for her, in one way I understood her decision but then I didn't. I met Becca and I really had strong feelings for her. Soon the movie started and I pulled her more towards me.

1 and 30ish minutes later
The movie was great actually, the girls were all cuddling into us and I have to admit some of the scary parts made me jump. I grabbed Becca's hand and walked towards the entrance. "Um guys I will be back.. Im going to the bathroom." Mia told us and she took her friend she had brought with her.

"Babe want to go out to eat?" I asked Becca and she smiled kissing my lips. "Sure babe."

We waited for Mia and went to refill our drinks. The feeling in my stomach came back, it felt almost like a strong punch. When they came back Mia also wanted a refill so we waited for them again. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a girl, I turned around only to catch her back. She was with other two girls which looked like Mia and Anahi but they had different hairstyles now.

They started walking towards the entrance and I kept my eyes fixed on the girl with the black hair in front. Something about Ariel was that she had the blackest hair.
I hoped it was her but then that hope shattered when she ran to the arms of a guy. He said something to her and she punched him in his arm and then held his hand and walked out.

I didn't get a glimpse of her face but I thought it could be her but I wasn't her. Becca held my hand and kissed my cheek. "Are you okay babe, you look pale."

"Im fine Baby." I grabbed hand and walked out also. We decided take the girls to Olive Garden. When we got there all of us when to separate tables and ordered our foods. "Jaime?"

"Yes babe?" Becca looked at me and asked me something really unexpected. "Do you love me?"

When she asked me that, I couldn't find the right words. I wasn't sure if I loved her or if I just liked her. All of this was so confusing that my head started hurting. Did I love her or did I still love Ariel.

Hey im sorry this is a short chapter but I didn't want to leave you girls hanging... My life is hella busy, first my family came over for a visit so I had to keep going back and forth seeing them and then school, now im getting ready for my friends 15 which I will be a dama for and my cousins 15... Shopping, shopping, shopping. But hope you all like this chapter!

Qotd: Do you think Jaime loves Ariel or Becky?

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