Chapter 15

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"Jaime we have to go please."

"Ariel whats wrong? Tell me because you are getting me worried." I couldn't tell him right now because so many things were in my head. "Jae please just take me home please."

"Okay but Im going to need you to explain!" He grabbed my hand and left. He opened the door of his car for me and headed to my apartment. All the ride there I was just thinking of why did I have to see him again. Jaime kept asking me what was wrong but I just ignored him. We arrived and I headed up to my apartment with Jae behind me.

"Ariel! Come on tell me what I do wrong?" I openend my door and stopped in the middle of the hallway. I didn't realize I was crying. I turned around and ran to Jaime. "Hey whatever it is its okay, Im here.. Shh."

He rubbed my back as I cried on him. He moved me back to the couch and sat down. "Jaime Im sorry."

"Shh.. Don't apologize." He picked my chin up and wiped the tears off. "Tell me whats wrong please, maybe there is something I can help in." It was stupid! I was stupid! Why I am I crying, it just made me look weak. "I don't want to talk about it."

He nodded and we just cuddled. "Jaime aren't going to have some type of concerts or something like that?"

"Yes I do have 3 coming up the 5th,6th, and 7th but in Puerto Rico so we will be traveling the 2nd cause my band needs to practice, you don't have to come."

"Puerto Rico! Omg I always wanted to go there." He laughed and I giggled. "Just pack some clothes, I already have the airplane tickets."

His phone rang and he picked it up. He talked to somebody and looked at me. "Richard wants us to go over, want to go?"

"Might as well." He told him yes and headed over, when we got there the guys and girls all greeted us. "Ari! You came!" Lili hugged me and so did the other girls. "You still owe us a night out." Kemberly told me and the firl laughed.

"Jae my boy." Richard hugged Jaime and like always he was the one cooking. "Ari are you feeling better?"

"Yes I am." I took a seat by the pool and watched as Erick,Joel, Zabidi,Lizzy, and Deisy play. Lili and Kemberly sat next to me and handed me some lemonade. "So tell us, hows the hired girlfriend working out for you."

"Well we have made a lot of progress, we didn't exactly get along but know we have learned how to deal with each other." The girls company did truly make me feel better from what happened earlier. "I'll be back, Im going to the bathroom." Jaime went in and we kept talking.

I learned so much from them and they from me. Everything was going so smooth and great but as always, I spoke to soon!

"Im here!!! Omg I missed y'all so much." It was that girl Mia, the one that went to Jae's apartment the other day. "Ugh you got to be kidding me." Kemberly huffed, Lizzy and Deisy got out from the pool and joined us. "Who invited her any ways?" Lizzy asked.

"Hey guys! Omg girls y'all look so cute." She greeted the guys first and came over to us. "Ooh new friends? Hi Im Mia! Nice to meet you." Why was she so loud, it was so annoying. We greeted her back and Jaime came back in.

"Jaime! Baby omg how I missed you the most." She went over to him and she kissed him! On the lips! I know he isn't mine but I felt a strong feeling in my stomach. He pushed her away and sat back on his chair. "Mia what are you doing here?"

"I came to visit and hang out!" Her voice was so squeaky I wanted her to just shut up. "She totally ruined our day." Kemberly rolled her eyes. "Who is she?" I asked cause really I didn't know who she was. "She is Jae's ex girlfriend, she is the reason why you are his hired girlfriend, that girl just cannot get in her head that her and Jae broke up."

It all made sense now. "Ari Mariana is arriving today at night so could we leave early."

"Of course Dei, this girl voice is giving me a headache." The girls laughed and looked at Mia on Jaime's lap. You could tell he was very uncomfortable and kept looking back at me. "Mia please get off me."

"But why babe?" He rolled his eyes and got her off. "Just stop please."

We laughed at how stupid she looked, she walked over to us and joined our group. "So girls hows life been."

"Pretty cool!" Lizzy answered her and she put her shades on. "So who are you? What are you doing here?" I felt offended and was about to answer her but Kemberly answered for me. "She is Jaime's girlfriend! Don't they look cute together, they are my favorite couple."

I gaped at her and immediately they started making up scenarios of things that didn't even happen, Mia was so red and kept looking at me as I just smirked. "Oh oh and do you remember that time we went to the lake and Jae threw you to the water... So romantic." I laughed at the silly stories they were making up. "Well what do work in? I've never seen you before?" Mia asked me.

"Im a actress, artist, singer, dancer, and .."

"A model!!" Once again the girls finished for me and we laughed because the expression on Mia's face was priceless. She got up and went inside.
"What did you girls tell her, she looks mad."

"Richard baby we just kept the story going." She winked at him and laughed. Jaime got up and came over to where I was sitting. "Why do you guys not like her." I asked them and all of them looked at Jaime. "I'll tell her."

"We had a good relationship until she cheated on me and when I tried to break up with her she made up a lie that she was pregnant and that almost finished my career." He looked at me like if he was ashamed of it. "Hey its okay, Im sorry she did that but you are better than that." He got up from his chair and came to mine picking me up as he sat down and then put me between his legs.

They all looked at us and the girls squealed. I looked over to Erick to see a smile on his face, I couldn't tell if it was a real smile or fake. To be honest I myself didn't know what I was feeling because I had mixed emotions.

Jaime or Erick?  Life was so hard!!

(Read below:
Even though Im the one making this I DO NOT LIKE MIA😂 I really don't know who to make Mia look like so just put the celebrity girl you don't like and BOOM thats your Mia (I imagine her like Kylie Jenner (I like her but at the same time I don't))😂 but anyways... Do you like Mia? Oh and before I leave.. To all my CNCOwners .. We made this group on FB so if you want to join look up #CNCOwners Official and ask to join.. Thank you!! Ch.16 tomorrow!)

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