Chapter 16

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Mia came out and when she saw us she grabbed her purse and left and we laughed because really no one wanted her here. "We also have to leave, Deisys friend is coming over so lets go."

"Can I come?" Erick immediately got out of the pool, I laughed and nodded yes. "Im coming also." Joel told me which I didn't mind because I enjoyed their company.

We waited for them to change, said bye to everyone else and left. Deisy, Joel, and Erick left in one car while me and Jaime in another. When we arrived to my apartment I went to my room to change and made some snacks. We all sat in the couch and started watching cartoon until the bell rang.

"I got it, it must be Mariana." She went to open the door and a girl with really pretty hair came in view. "Omg! I missed you so much!" They hugged for about 5 minutes and then Deisy started introducing her. "I want you to meet my friends."

"Omg! So it is true! You are friends with the CNCO guys and Jae Cruz!" She squealed and we laughed. "Nice to meet all of you!"
She shook hands with Erick, Jaime, me, and last Joel. Immediately I could tell something was going to happen between them. The way Joel looked at her was super cute.

She installed in Deisys room and we stayed up till 1 talking and watching movies. We truly were having a fun time. "Were are we going to sleep."

"Erick! We don't have enough space!" I threw a pillow at him and got up to clean. "Fine then can we come tomorrow?" I turned around to look at them giving me puppy eyes. I laughed at them because they were so adorable. "Actually you can because I have to pack up tomorrow."

They cheered and left. "Are you staying also Jaime?"

"No I have to pack also, I will pick you up tomorrow at 9, is that fine with you?" I nodded and walked him to the door. "I will start packing today to be ready."

He hugged me and then looked at me and then my lips, he started coming closer but I turned away. "Goodnight Jaime."

"Goodnight Ariel." I closed my door, went to my room and started packing. I told the girls goodnight and let Deisy know some things. I went to sleep for tomorrow.

*NEXT DAY (July 2nd)*
I got up at 7 to take a shower and get ready for the day because we would travel to Puerto Rico. I put on a long maroon shirt with some light washed jeans and my maroon converse. I applied some mascara, put some lipstick on and got my purse ready. The girls said bye to me and Jaime called me letting me know he was here.

A black car was waiting for me, a man got out to take my bags and opened the door for me. "Good morning."

"Goor morning Jae." He gave me a cup of coffee and headed to the airport. "Did you bring all your documents with you?" I nodded and enjoyed the view. We got to the airport and waited for our flight. "Are you ready for the trip?"

"Im very excited." After 10 minutes reporters started coming towards where we are and asking about our relationship. "We heard y'all are getting engaged! Is it true?"

"Jaime when is the wedding?"
"Is it true that you are cheating on Ariel?"
"Why hasn't she been to your house like Mia has?"

The last question caught me off guard. I haven't heard from Brenda for a while which was strange. They called our flight and walked to the plane. "Are you okay?" Jaime asked me. "Yes just first time flying." That was a lie kind of, I mean I was nervous but I had a lot of things I was thinking of. He grabbed my hand and the plane left.

"Ariel, wake up." We had arrived to Puerto Rico in such a short time. We got off the plane and got into a taxi. "A Toa Bajo porfavor." For about another hour or so Jaime showed me the beautiful view and talked about the things he grew up with.

We arrived to a house where I saw Brenda waiting for us. "Ariel honey! Nice to see you." She hugged me and took me inside. A little girl came to view and ran to Jaime. "Eyy Amaia my little princess."

"I missed you so much!" They hugged and then she saw me. "Who is she?"

"Thats Ariel, my girlfriend." She smiled at me and waved. The little girl was so precious, she had Jaime's eyes and really curly hair.

"Well make your self at home, I have to get going to practice, see you later okay." I waved and he left.

For the rest of the day Brenda took me out to see Puerto Rico. The place is so beautiful and fascinating. Jaime texted me a few time asking how I was doing. When we got back to Jaime's house I met his dad which he is super cool and funny. Jaime came home around 10 and I helped Brenda cook.

"So hows the job working out for you?"

"Its been good, me and Jaime actually get along now."

"Im glad to hear that, the other girl Mia just madd him have a hard time."

"I've heard." We made some chicken salad and sat to eat. "So tell Ariel, what are you planning on doing later on with your life?"

"I want to be a kindergarten teacher." Jaime's dad always knew how to make conversation. "Thats a really great idea." We talked more thru out the night until it was 11:30. I helped Brenda clean up and changed into my pajamas.

"Ariel I have the guest room ready for you."

"Thank you so much Brenda I app.."
I didn't get to finish my sentence because Jaime interrupted me. "She is sleeping with me mom."

I furrowed my eyebrows and Brenda looked shocked. "Jaime but.."

"No buts go to my room." I was mad because he was making me look bad in front of his mom. I walked to his room and could hear him talking. "Its not what you think mom but..... Good night."

I was so confused and mad at the same time. "You just embarrassed me."

"Would you rather sleep by yourself?"

"I do actually." I got up but he blocked the door. "Calm down, just sleep here with me tonight please."

"Fine! But just tonight." I got in bed and then he did too. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Ari." I put a pillow between us and turned to my side. I was starting to drift off to sleep when I felt his hands pull me towards him. "Jaime..."

"Shhh... Just go back to sleep."
And with that I slept dreaming of the ocean.

*Late night chapter again... Im running behind on my story because of the long weekend😓 but Im trying to catch up... Hope all of you girls had a great 4th of July🎉 so tell me do you girls think Ariel likes Jaime? Chapter 17 tomorrow.*

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