Chapter 21

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I was so pissed off man. She couldn't just leave me. I fucked up so bad, the girl that kissed me today was a fan and she stole a kiss from me. I was falling so hard for Ariel. She was so unique and somehow always made me happier.

I didn't know what to do, that little bastard of Shawn will not take her away from me. It was bad catching feelings for her because it would hurt a lot when she leaves. Mom warned me but having her near me all I want to do is kiss her, her kisses are so sweet.

I walked over to her room, she was still packing. "Ariel Im coming with you to Mexico."

"Jaime no! Please let me go alone! Let me take time for myself please."

I couldn't let her go alone, I felt like she wouldn't be safe and I wanted to be there to protect her. She was helping me forget what I once felt for Mia. I loved Mia but when she cheated on me and almost finished my career made me realize she was only hurting me.

I always try not to fall back for her because she is so persuasive and attractive I can't help but want her back. She broke my heart and I will never forgive her for that.

I sat on her bed and watched her gather up her makeup. "Is it necessary for you to go alone."

"Yes Jaime.. Now can you get out so I can finish packing." I got out and went to my room. If she doesn't want me to come I will go anyways. I will leave the wednesday moning. I got out a bag myself and packed some clothes and what so ever.

I woke up at 8 to get ready, I took a shower and brushed my teeth, changed into leggings and a long shirt. I was super excited to see all my family and friends in Mexico. I grabbed my bag and started walking towards the door. "Wait! Im taking you to the airport."

I didn't object and let Jaime take my bag to the car. Soon we were on our way to the airport. "I want you to know that if you need anything please call me, be safe and have fun."

"Thank you Jaime, means a lot."
We arrived and waited for my flight to be called. "Ariel! I just can't help feeling like you are not safe.. Please let me come with you."

"Jaime I will be fine... Please trust me." He nodded and they finally called my flight. I got my bag and started walking towards the flight entrance. Jaime grabbed my hand, "Ariel.. Are you sure about this..?"

"Im sure." I hugged him and kissed his cheek and waved. I felt so weird with out him with me but it was for the best. I had a great seat in the plane and soon we took off and drifted off to sleep.

*3 hours 1/2 later*
A felt some one shaking me. "Ma'am we have arrived! Welcome to San Luis Potosi."

I thanked her and walked off the plane. No one could understand the feeling of being in my country. I called my mom to let her know I had arrived and texted Jaime.

Now I payed for a bus ticket to Rioverde where my family was at which was another 2 1/2 hours or so. On the way there I met another girl who knew who I was and asked for a picture with me and an autograph. She was very nice and funny. When I arrived to the bust station my grandparents where there to welcome me. It was now 5 so I was dying to rest and eat.

"Mija como te fue?"

"Good abuela, como estan?" I loved  my grandparents and we talked a lot on the way home. "Abuela we have to go to the Media Luna tomorrow!"

"Yes mija we can go tomorrow and have a little picnic."

When we arrived home she made me some delicious gorditas and coffee, how I missed Mexico. My phone rang and I excused myself to answer.

A: Hey Jaime.
J: How you doing?
A: Omg its amazing! I feel so relieved from all my worries, how my family over there.
J: I went earlier today and they are fine.
A:Thats good thank you.
J: To be honest I miss your conpany.
A: Chill out I will be back soon, you will see me sooner than you think.
J: You're right! See you soon.

He hung up and left me confused, what did he mean. I shrugged it off and started watching movies with my grandparents. They day had gone so fast and my abuelos went to sleep and so did I.

I was so excited to see everyones else tomorrow and already had planned out so many activities for these week. Everything seemed to be going fine but I shouldn't speak to soon.

I  could really use this time to visit old friends and explore all the beautiful wonders this place had. I went to wash my teeth and changed into my pajamas. Jaime texted me good night and so did Erick.

Erick! That boy was so crazy! He had me so confused... I had the biggest crush on him but Jaime made me feel more attracted to him. I couldn't decide as to who I liked.

Right now I didn't even had the head to think about that because from what happened yesterday I was still a little shaky.

Good thing I never told him where my double life in Mexico was at. Thinking about it he was so self centered, never asked anything about me. He used me!

I shook my head off and let them negative thoughts go.

I tucked in to the guest room bed my grandparents had and it felt so empty. Jaime was usually sleeping with me and I missed his touch. No I couldn't be getting attached to him. It wouldn't end up good. I drifted off to sleep dreaming of Jaime.  

Hey so did y'all like my little switch of P.O.V'S, so if any of you aren't familiar with San Luis Potosi search it up! Its a beautiful place... Thats where I was born😊 and usually go there over the summer.. I put in this book because I know this place very well so its really helpful to have all details right.. Anyways i hope you all likes this chapter !! HIRED GIRLFRIEND HAS 1.340K READS! THANK YOU ALL AND SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO THE GIRLS THAT ALWAYS COMMENT Y'ALL ARE THE REAL MVP❤️
QOTD: How do you think Ariel will react when she finds out Jaime is on his way to Mexico also?)

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