Chapter 23

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I turned around and there she was. "Alicia." I hated her so much. We used to be friends but it got to a point where a guy chose me over her. Since that point on it became war. She made my life hard and I returned the favor. She told me once how she would always be better.

I didn't really care because soon I moved to the United States. "How you been?" She looked me up and down. "Great actually." She then saw Jaime and winked at him. My first instinct was to get closer to him. "Hmm new boy! I like him."

She came closer to him and I stepped in front of Jaime. "Get away from him! He is mine."

She smirked and laughed. "Not for long." With that she walked away. Great now I had to deal with 2 annoying girls, Mia and Alicia. I huffed and turned around to face a smirking Jaime. "What?"

"So Im yours now! I like it! So possessive." He grabbed my chin and connected his lips on mine but I wasn't going to give in that easily, I bit his lip and started walking. "Ariel! You bit me!"

I laughed and he grabbed my hand. "So tell me about this girl."

"We are enemies... She hates me I hate her."

We sat down in a bench and he puts his arm around me. "I was born here and went to live to Georgia when I was little, I would come every summer and well one time we went to camp together and we both liked the same boy and he chose me.. From that day she hated me."

"I would've chosen you too." I blushed and I told him a lot of the memories I had here. "Didn't you have an award show to attend?"

"Yes we do but thats not until 2 weeks but we are going on tour with CNCO."

I squealed and got very happy. "That sounds fascinating!"

"Yes so we have to leave before wednesday of next week to be ready."

"Sounds fine." We talked more until it got pretty late. We walked back home to find my grandparents already asleep. "Where am I supposed to sleep?"

"The floor." He gasped and I laughed. "Your bed sounds more welcoming."

I giggled and went to change into my pajamas and washed my teeth. He did the same and soon we cuddled in my bed. Oh how I missed his embrace. "Good night mermaid."


"Yes.. Your name is Ariel like in the Little Mermaid."

"You're so silly, Erick called me like that too." He stiffened and then relaxed. "Im more special." I laughed and soon we fell asleep.

His hands wrapped around my body and his foot around my legs.

it was Wednesday and I wanted to go to town and buy souvenirs. I went to the bathroom, took a shower and brushed my teeth. I put on some capris, maroon crop top, converse, and a grayish top. I heard Jaime wake up and went to check on him.

"Come on sleepy head wake up! We have a long shopping day." He grunted and that was like the sexiest thing I've ever heard. "Come on!"

"Babe it's too early!" I gave him a confused look. He looked at me even more confused. "What?" His mouth formed an O shape at realization hit him. "Oh.. Im sorry... I didn't mean too."

I laughed at him and let it go. He did the same routine and I went to help my grandma. "Morning abuelita and abuelito.. Today im going to the city to buy a few things."

"Ta bueno mija." Jaime came in still with a sleepy face. We ate and then I got my purse to leave. "We will be back soon." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and we got going. We walked to the bus stop and waited for a bus or a taxi. In this case the Taki came by first and took us to the city.

"What exactly are you going to buy?"

"I don't know... Whatever catches my attention." He laughed and put his hands around me. The Taxi stopped and some girls came in. One sat next to Jaime and the other in the passenger seat.

She started to wink at Jaime and he looked over at me and smirked. I rolled my eyes and looked at the girl. She stuck her tongue out at me and touched Jaime's lap. He slapped it off and with out thought he grabbed my chin and kissed me catching me off guard.

I kissed him back and smiled in the kiss. He finally let me go to catch our air, I looked over at the girl and winked at her smirking. She rolled her eyes and turned to face the window. Me and Jaime bursted out laughing. I couldn't believe he actually kissed me just like that and I will admit that I liked it.

Like about 10 minutes had passed and we got off at the center of the city. He held my hand and we walked around until I saw a ring that caught my attention.

It was one of those crown rings and it was so beautiful. "This is goregeous.. How much is it?"

"Its our newest arrival and we have in it $2,000 pesos."

It was actually pretty cheap, in the USA it was around like $150 dollars. "I will.."

"Taks it please." I turned around and looked at Jaime smiling. "What are you doing!"

"Isn't it obvious, Im buying it for you."

"No! I have my money! I want to buy it."

He just ignored me and payed the lady. I crossed my arms and he winked at me. "Jaime! Ugh!"

"Ariel chill out please because I want to give you it as a present.. Either way I would've bought it."

I huffed and walked out of the store. "Okay then.. I will not give it to you.. I will save it."

"Whatever." He grabbed my hand again and after buying souvenirs, jewelry, shirts, and shoes we decided to eat. "Lets go eat hard shell tacos! I love those!"

"Lets do it then!" We walked to where they selled them and ordered. We took a table all the way to the back and sat down waiting for our food. All of a sudden I felt a pinch in my heart. It hurt and I put my hand over it. I had a weird feeling and tried to calm down.

"Anything else you want to buy?" Jaime asked me.

"I think we have enough." He smiled and his phone rang. "Hello." He said and started having a conversation with the person. In a matter of seconds his facial expression changed. "We will head back tomorrow evening." He hung up and looked at me. "Jaime is everything okay?"

"No, Erick and Deisy had a car wreck and they are the hospital." I froze! I could feel the tears in my eyes but I kept them in. "A-are they okay?"

"Richard told me that Deisy is okay but Erick had it a little bit more ruff." I was so worried and wanted to be back in Georgia now. Not Erick.. Why him!

"We have to leave tomorrow... Richard bought the tickets already." I nodded and  our food arrived. We ate I'm silence and headed back to my grandmas house to pack. I explained to her what happened and she helped me.
"Ay abuelita why do things happen?"

"Sometimes we can't help it.. If that is your destiny we have to accept it and live it like that."

Her words where full of wisdom and they always made me look outside the box. I hope both Dei and Erick are okay.

(READ BELOW: SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE LAST NIGHT! I WAS AT A FAMILY PARTY AND YEAH LOL.. Anyways I hope you all like this chapter and remember to vote.. Also I want to say thank you to those people who send me super sweet messages... It really encourages me to keep writing this story❤️ HIRED GIRLFRIEND IS ALMOST AT 2K reads🌟 Thank you all!

QOTD: What do you think made Erick and Deisy have a car wreck? A person? A thing?

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