10: Birthday

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"It's almost his birthday, isn't it?" Yukiko stated as she leans on the table with a serious look on her face. She was seated on one of the chairs surrounding a round table together with the eight generals, Aoren and the three kids, Aladdin, Morgianna and Alibaba.

"How old is Uncle Sinbad?" Aladdin asked them as he scratches his cheek in confusion.

"I believe he's turning 29." Sharrkan replied.

"So he's that old. But I'm older." Aoren commented as he gives out a small chuckle. Aoren has just turned 30 a month ago.

"I've already made the necessary preparations for it. His birthday is also the same day as Sindria's foundation so it's a rather extravagant celebration." Jafar told them. "The problem is," he caught his forehead then gave out a sigh. "He has been acting hot and cold about it and casually, or OBVIOUSLY showing signals about his birthday. He wants to celebrate it but at the same time not because he heard someone talking about how old he is." He then looked at Aoren and Pisti who gave out an apologetic smile.

"I didn't know he was there. I'm sorry, Jafar-kun." Aoren apologized with a smile. "I was just wondering how old he is because he's always bursting with energy and confidence. He is also all over my sister which is really annoying so that serves him right." He said as a dark smile took over his lips. He's clearly not sorry at all.

"Anyway, to atone for it, I believe we should give him presents. He'll appreciate it, I think."

"But he already has everything. This is quite a tough task." Hinahoho commented as he scratch his head.

"It is up to you what present you should give. It is also a form of thanks for everything he has done for us so," Jafar stood up and picked up his stuff. "Good luck. Today's meeting is adjourned. Thank you for participating."

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"It's your fault that we have to do this, aniki." Yukiko elbowed Aoren's side causing the latter to wince in pain.

"I said I was sorry." He smiled as he rubs his side since it still hurts a bit. "But I know that you already have a present for him. I saw you working at it since the week before last." He smiled knowingly at his sister who then reached inside her kimono's sleeve to hide her flute. "How is it going? Are you almost done with it?"

"Yes. By the end of today, I'll be able to release it to the citizens. It also involves them afterall." She looked down as she suddenly felt unsure. "Jafar said that it was great but how will Sin react. What if he doesn't like it?" She suddenly lost her confidence on her work.

"Don't say that, imouto. You have always been excellent in music. He'll love it for sure." Aoren assured her as they entered a studio behind the busy streets of Sindria. This is where she has been hiding to compose a song for Sinbad's birthday. It will be sung by everyone as a surprise for the king as thanks for everything he has done for his country and people.

"Let me hear it, Yukiko." Aoren said as he picks up her sheet music with his gentle smile.

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"I'm not that old aren't I?"

Yukiko covered her ears as she sat beside Sinbad on the edge of the fountain in the central garden of the palace.

"That's the 20th time you asked me that. Please, Sin. Stop or I'll hit you." Yukiko glared at him in annoyance. She just finished distributing the lyrics to the people and almost everyone was practicing it in secret so Sinbad doesn't find out. Even the eight generals made space on their time to learn the song so, it was only normal for her to be tired and listening to Sinbad's age complex doesn't help her relax one bit.

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