Thank you!

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Hey guys, this isn't a chapter but I just wanted to publish this to tell you thank you! Thanks to you guys I now have over 12.2K reads on LMLWMT! (living my life with Marianas Trench)


When I was 2 or 3 my mom was a teacher (she still is) and she made me write in a journal every day. I would love to write stories and make up my own characters. When I started writing my stories on Wattpad, I never expected for them to blow up like this.

I've always enjoyed writing, and now I can finally share my stories with the world. I love getting comments from you guys, it makes my day! It makes me so happy that you enjoy what I write. It's like a dream come true.

I've always wanted to be a writer because I LOVE writing. In Elementary school I would get in trouble because I was writing stories instead of doing my work. And at my 5th grade graduation, when I went up to get my certificate, my teacher would read out our future dream jobs. Mine was a "story writer". I didn't know that I would actually be writing stories that over 20k people would read!

Thank you guys so so so much!! ❤️❤️

Also if you want to, follow me on instagram
@ Ramsastoria

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