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Tyler's POV

I would only mention the unique sky to someone if they were interested in my beliefs, and lately, that hasn't been anyone. My family raised me in such a church, I feel like it is my second home, as if I owe the people there my entire life. I'm not ashamed to be known as a Christian, nor do I try and hide my beliefs from others, but I try not to shove ideas onto people who don't want to hear it. In this society, religion is kind of a laughable subject, as if what you do is wrong and childish. As much as I wish I could discuss my faith with everyone, every single day less people show interest.

This is what I think about when I'm getting my morning coffee.

It's surprising how in such early hours in the day we can question our entire existence.

This coffee shop seems to know exactly who I am now, memorising my order and the table I sit at daily. All the employees know my name, and happily greet me once I walk through the door. It's a nice gesture, another sense of belonging added to my case. But today was different, there was a new worker, carefully serving and cleaning tables as customers roamed the store. She had beautiful blonde hair grown down passed her shoulders, the top half pinned slightly out of her face. She looked so frail and petit, yet seemed like she could carry herself well, independent with every motion. Her uniform colours were more prominent compared to the others, indicating the fabric hadn't even been through a washer yet.

I'm not going to lie, I may have been staring, but this girl was something I had never seen before. It was like she was different, a glow radiating out of her that I'd never seen on anyone else. It wasn't until she looked up, her eyes meeting mine for a brief moment, that I realised I had to meet her. Her piercing blue eyes could hold the world if it had to, the colour drowning everyone who stared at them for too long. Eventually she wandered behind the wall, the staff area that I'd never seen before had gained her presence.

"Hey Tyler" the girl gaining orders greeted me. I knew almost all the employees myself, the red haired girl in front of me being Amber.

"Hello Amber" I smiled, pulling out my wallet as she poked in my order.

"Usual?" She questioned, earning a nod of approval. Amber quickly put in the details before taking my money and stamping my card, smiling before she announced back to whoever was making the drinks.

I began to walk towards the small table tucked in the corner, the one that was always made sure to be free once I arrived. It wasn't the greatest place to sit, but it was next to a small window, a peep hole to the outside world. This was my morning pattern, at 8:05 I was to walk through the doors, sitting down at the table to read at approximately 8:10. Of course, this didn't change, but instead of pulling out my book, I thought to myself, about the girl who I had just witnessed.

She eventually appeared back out into the public, holding a tray of drinks as she began to walk over. Her hair bounced with every step, her fair skin illuminating as soon as the sun shot through.

"Tyler?" She mumbled, reading the name on the take away coffee cup. I nodded as she looked up to meet my eyes, her reassuring smile showing her white straight teeth. She placed the cup down carefully before opening her mouth once again. "Do you need anything else?"

"No no, I'm fine" I shook my head realising I was taking in her details with such precision. "I come here every morning, and I've never seen you here before."

"Today is my first day, I just moved here from Illinois" she nodded, leaning the serving tray against her waist.

"Well, welcome to Columbus" I chuckled lightly, "I'm Tyler, Tyler Joseph" my hand extending outwards.

"I'm Jenna" she smiled, grasping her small hand around mine to shake, "Jenna Black"

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