twenty eight

860 45 50

Jenna's POV

3:28 am

Those numbers hit back at me as I looked on my phone, realising there was a body missing from the bed. My eyes drooped as I looked around, the blanket falling, allowing the freezing air bite at my skin. I didn't think much of it, thinking maybe Tyler went to the bathroom or got a glass of water.

A few minutes passed and I still hadn't heard anything, my brain tempting me to search. My feet touched the cold carpet In an instant, eventually guiding me to the hallway.

I tried my hardest to navigate myself around without turning any lights on, the bathroom empty of any living source, only being able to hear the muffled snores coming from Marks room. As I creeped down the stairs, I was greeted by the dim light that the street lights gave off through the window, making things a little easier to see.

Tyler was nowhere to be seen in the house, a sense of panic running through me, yet I tried to keep calm. The kitchen stayed untouched and nothing seemed out of the ordinary, my confusion blossoming even more.

Finally, I opened the front door, the coldness pricking violently onto my pores, revealing footprints in the light snow in front of our house. It seemed to be walking outwards, questionably going down the street.

I slid my shoes on quickly, wrapping one of Tyler's jackets around me that was thrown on the floor. It was ice cold outside, but that was the last thing on my mind.

As I followed the footsteps, it was noticeable that they were walking into the end of the street, nearing the cul de sac. I wrapped my hands underneath my arms as I continued my short journey, the clouds of fog coming from my breath surrounding my head. the streets were so quiet it was eerie, it could even pass as being apocalyptic.

Finally, my eyes caught onto a figure lying flat on the road, the snow surrounding it. It was as if they had gone to lie down on their back purposely, their hands cupped into their chest. My legs quickened as I tried to identify, the shoes being the first thing to notice.

"Tyler?" I said, his head lifting up to see me, eventually reverting back to his previous position. It was as if it wasn't strange to him at all that he was lying in the middle of the road in the early hours of the morning, his chest moving evenly.

As I knelt down beside him, the snow seeped through my pants, Tyler's eyes just staring up at the sky. I couldn't help but stare as I examined his features, the moonlight revealing the stains on his tight cheeks. My body mimicked him, lying down to look at the stars next to him. It was cold, but the wind was idle and the snow was melting, so it didn't bother.

"Isn't it strange how the brightest and most renowned stars are the ones that have been dead the longest?" Tyler finally broke the silence, his voice quiet and husky. My head leant to the side, looking over to see his eyes still glued on the sky. "It's like everything that disappears always has an imprint on the world, no matter how hard you try, someone will always be there to remember you"

"Why're we out here Tyler?" I asked, my voice more squeaky than usual

"Couldn't sleep" he shrugged, sighing as another cloud of mist abandoned his lungs.

"It's almost four in the morning" I whispered, "it's freezing out here"

"You should go back inside, I don't want you to get sick again" Tyler finally turned his head, his eyes still full of wonder.

"You need to come with me"

"The snow numbs, you don't need to worry about my health and comfort"

"Tyler" I raised my voice a little bit louder, Tyler's eyes widening slightly at the sudden outburst, "We need to go home"

Silence filled the air once again, my eyes flooding with tears, blurring my vision. I knew something was wrong the day Tyler came back home, everything surfacing rapidly as the days went by.

"I'm sorry Bella" He whispered, pursing his lips so tightly I could hardly see them. "I'm- I've not been very good lately"

"We will get through this together Ty" I mumbled, wrapping my arm around his chest. "Lets go home"

"Lets go home" Tyler repeated, taking a deep breath in the process


Sorry this took so long

It's not very long but I'll try and make it up to all of you

Btw I've been working on a joshler fanfic, which is like wth Viella what have you become but like just hear me out. I don't ship Joshler irl but I do in a fictional sense. Creating Tyler and Josh into characters and making a story doesn't mean I think the ship is real.

The fact that I made a jyler fanfic first should explain a lot

Also I'm a strong believer of Jebby ok bye

~ Viella

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