thirty one

880 40 81

Jenna's POV

the date finally came, the appointment that would tell me if the tumour had successfully shrunk. The chemotherapy was a living hell, yet I tried to not show it, because I never liked to show any sort of sadness. I convinced myself I could be strong at a young age, practically turning into a habit I couldn't break.

Tyler worried too much, and as much as I liked the attention, the guilt took over any sort of joy. I didn't want him to focus on me, especially when he was in a situation where he needed to help himself. We were both not in good shape, but it was promised we would stick through together, no matter what.

"You ready?" Tyler pushed his hands into his pockets, his black beanie sitting loose on his soft hair. I nodded, slipping my ballet flats on that were set beside the mirror. I couldn't help but feel nervous, even though the hospital told me all was well weeks ago.

Tyler's hand slid through mine as we walked through the front door, rolling his thumb over my knuckles lightly. The only time we weren't somewhat touching each other, was when we split to get in the car, Tyler's hand immediately guiding to my knee as he drove. It was a comfortable silence, the only words being spoken was the lyrics Tyler sung to the radio.

"It'll be okay Bella" He whispered as I stared at the clinic, these appointments always being so invasive, I couldn't help but feel emotionally damaged after. I sighed, closing my eyes before leaving the car and entering the cold air of the doctors.

After waiting an agonising long time, my name was finally called, Tyler standing up yet not moving, realising he couldn't come in with me.

"It'll be okay, just stay calm" his breath became heavy, my lips pursing into a weak smile.

"You're freaking out more than me, I've done this before, you even came with me" I giggled, the doctor calling my name once again. Tyler took a deep breath, eventually letting go of my hand as I walked into the examining room.


Tyler's POV

She was right, I was freaking out, my anxiety going through the roof. I couldn't help but be scared of the unknown, my whole body jittering. I paced the hallway until further notice, the receptionists just watching me go up and down.

The air conditioning was so cold, I couldn't feel my fingers anymore, my nails digging into my scalp every now and then. The time passed so slowly, I felt like I was going insane, each time a door opened, my whole head jolted. A slight part of me fell disappointed when it wasn't Jenna who stepped out, yet when she finally did, my heart dropped.

"Bella" I exhaled, wrapping my arms around her as I noticed the shining tears filling up in her eyes. Her whole body fell limp as she allowed her body to be engulfed in mine, her breath shaky as she sobbed quietly. "Is it bad news?"

Her head shook

"Is it because of what happened in there?"

She nodded, her sobs becoming heavy. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be poked in such a vulnerable place, especially when in as much pain as she was.


Jenna's POV

I couldn't help but keep crying, Tyler just holding me in his arms. It didn't bother me that we were in the middle of the waiting room, other patients staring at us. Finally, I pulled myself away, Tyler's arms hung on my shoulders. His thumb picked up the fallen tears on my cheek, wiping away the cold stains.

"What did they say?" his voice was soft and reassuring, allowing my body to relax.

"I'm- I'm going to be okay" I smiled as I exhaled, more tears falling out as the emotions floated around. I immediately saw the spark in Tyler's eyes, his whole face brightening.

"Does that mean-" he cut himself off, looking into thin air "does that mean we can have babies?"

The question startled me, my lips parting as I stood in awe.

"Y-yes" my breath fell, a smile spreading across my face as I saw his teeth reveal themselves. He looked so happy, which made my whole body fall into his greatness.

"I love you" he smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist, "this is our beginning"


This chapter has been planned for awhile because it's what happened to my mum when she had cancer, as soon as she left the room, my stepfather asked if they could have babies after all that she'd been through, which made my mum extremely emotional because they had only been dating for a few months and she already wanted to have a family with him.

I miss him everyday, but I like to think he carries on through us.

~ Viella

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