Chapter 14:

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Katie pulls back from Mike, still blushing.

"We should go inside" says Katie looking away.

"Trying to rush this?" Asks Mike looking amused.

"N-no" says Katie stuttering.

Mike smiles and grabs Katie's hand. Then they walk together, hand in hand. Katie was looking down feeling protected while Mike has his head held high feeling confident. Katie and Mike were walking in a the main hall while squealing,grunting, and cheering can be heard. Katie meet eyes with a werewolf boy, she seen jealously in his eyes. Then all of a sudden a voice can be heard over everyone...

"Hey!!" Yells a voice sounding extremely aggravated.

Everyone stops and parts aways and slams against the lockers. Once the students were against the lockers Blaze was the only one in the middle of the hall along with Mike and Katie. Katie was trying to pull Mike to the side of the lockers but Mike stood his ground.

"You! Give me my Queen back" yells Blaze pointing at Mike.

"What if I don't" says Mike smiling a dirty look.

"I will kill you" says Blaze.

Mike doesn't say anything. Katie pulls on his arm even more but Mike doesn't budge. Blaze's hands start to glow red energy.

"Then I'll take you out right here, right now" yells Blaze with his eyes turning red.

"I know what I have to do for no one to get hurt" Katie thinks to herself.

Katie walks towards Blaze.

"Katie!" Yells Mike putting his hand out.

Katie keeps walking and grabs Blaze by the arm. Blaze's skin under Katie's fingertips gave her a tingle. She grabbed him and hauled him out side into the courtyard. She whispers in his ear....

"Your mine..." Whispers Katie into Blazes ear.

"Ah....good choice on ditching that fur ball" says Blaze.

Katie pulls Blaze closer and puts his hands around her waist and then puts her arms around his neck. Katie looks into Blazes eyes and sees desire. Katie smiles and leans in but stops half way.

"Oh if I did pick you..." Says Katie with a wicked smile.

Supernatural Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now