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(Name) POV


"hello Mrs. (Last Name) is this Eren Jeagers fiancé?"

"yes this is she."

"I'm sorry Mrs. (Last Name) to be bothering you this early, are you in a safe enviroment and able to sit down?

"Yes? what is this regarding?"

"I'm so sorry (Name) but Mr. Jaëger had a complication at 23:47, I and a team of 4 did everything we could to resuscitate-"


"Miss, Mr.Jaëger passed this evening. We would like you to come in and confirm the body."

"I don't understand."

"Mr. Jaëger is no longer with us, ma'am. We ask of you to come in so we can send his body to a funeral parliement."

"No there has to be a mistake, He was doing fine earlier."

"We need to confirm this is Mr. Jaëger, can you please come down today. His body has been moved down stairs for some washing and a prayer."

Choking back tears was a hard thing to do. You're legs trembled not from the coolness of the night, but of the sadness coming from deep within. With the push of a button you ended the call. How could Eren leave you like this. He was coming home, he promised you he'd be home. Eren promised to marry you, to take care of you. Streams of water came down your cheeks.

Small whimpers manage to escape your lips. Levi sat in the car silently. He didn't say anything, he doesn't know, does he? How were you gonna explain to him, in the matter of days you've managed to get engaged, try for children and then have Eren die. Levi didn't know who he was. Your hands trembled holding the phone.

The opal ring he gave you glistened in the moonlight. The night time sky was fading into the morning sunrise of pinks and oranges stretching in the horizon. You wanted Eren with you right now. What if you did get pregnant and the baby grows up without his real father? How are you gonna explain to him his father died in a car accident.

Levi cleared his throat. "It's late, I need to get home. I have work in the morning." Levi wanted (Name), but she needed him the most right now. "Levi can you come inside with me." Levi pulled his car keys out of the ignition. "Fine." (Name) wiped her tears and held her phone close to her chest. She left her purse inside the car by accident.

She walked toward the house with her house keys in hand. She unlocked the front door and opened it slowly. She turned the lights on and took her shoes off by the door. Levi repeated her steps and closed the door behind him. The house was exactly the same. The pictures that hung on the walls were placed back up.

What surprised Levi very well was it still had the lemon Bleach smell. (Name) walked into the kitchen and grabbed the tea kettle she turned the knob on the facet. Water drenched into the pot. She filled the kettle and placed it on the stove. She removed her jacket. Levi saw bruises up and down her arm.

His breath hitched. "(Name)... Did he hurt you." (Name) looked back at the bruises. "It's fine... It... It doesn't matter now.."  She sniffled quietly. Levi had a death glare in his eyes. He walked towards you slowly and grabbed your arm lightly whilst you winced in pain. "This, this doesn't matter?" You pulled away slowly. "Yes it's fine, I had a fight with him. A few days ago." Levi grabbed his car keys. "Where is he?"

Again, choking back tears is hard. The sadness finally had you coughed up your throat as you let out a little whimper. It wasn't everyday your fiancé gets into an accident and dies. Levi stood in the doorway. His face softened. Unable to use your legs anymore, you dropped to your knees.

You covered your mouth to make sure you didn't scream in agony. Levi sat down next to you. "(Name) what's wrong?" How could you tell him? Hey Levi remember that guy I cheated with, well yeah we tried to have kids, and oh we're engaged and hey he got in a accident and died. No you can't tell him yet.

Just tell him a small snippet. "Levi, Eren... He's dead." You managed to get that out before another wave of tears came down. Levi picked you up gently trying not to harm your bruised covered arms. He walked to the bedroom and to his surprise, everything was still the same. The drawers are still open from when he left. He placed her on the bed. She unhooked her arms from his body and sat back. "Levi... I'm... I'm so-"

Levi heard the kettle whistle. "Hold on (Name) I'll be right back." He walked to the stove and turned the knob off. He walked to the cabinet and grabbed two mugs and pulled out two tea bags. He placed a Black tea bag into the cup and a Chai tea in the other. Levi tipped the kettle into the mugs and poured the liquid. He pulled out the sweeteners and stirred them in. Levi walked back up the stair and to their previous room. (Name) sat on the bed rubbing her eyes.

"Levi... I'm.. I'm so so so sorry... I'm so sorry." Levi wanted to say the same but it's one thing to fall back into her arms without a explanation. "Why (Name)... When you talked to me on the phone... You said I didn't show my feelings... You basically told me I wasn't good enough for you." Levi felt his eyes burn.

Levi held the cup like the day you met him.


He was sitting in the coffee shop drinking and writing. You sat in a corner booth. You were exhausted from the studying you did that night. Trying to get into a good college was hard. Of course you wanted good grades but staying up all night to achieve a higher score is not the way to go. I watched this man flip through page after page when he finally stopped.  "Do you have a staring problem miss?"

Your throat ran dry. He was talking to you. This man was staring right at you. His grey eyes were a deadly grey. His black hair fell over them covering the color. The heat in your cheeks rose to give a pink tint. "I.. I'm-I- sorry." You quickly grabbed your cup and backpack and walked away from the table. The man scoffed and closed his books.

You left the coffee shop while breathing deeply. Staring at the man gave your heartbeat a jolt. When he spoke it made your hands run sweaty and your breathing irregular. He was a handsome man you can admit that. The coffee cup in your hands kept you warm as you walked toward your dream university.

"Hey, brat. You dropped this." You turned around and, lord almighty behold the handsome man. Instantly your cheeks reddened. You stared at the object in hand and saw it was your chemistry notebook. Stickers of anime characters and anime slogans covered the front. Your cheeks reddened more from embarrassment. "Tha-Thank you." You grabbed the book and looked down. "What's your name?" Your mouth ran dry.

He really wanted to converse now. "(First name) ... (Last Name)..." He chuckled lightly. "Well (name), do you wanna get some coffee, it looks like your out of yours." You looked back at the handsome fellow and saw he was picking up a coffee cup. Mentally yelling at yourself you shook your head yes.

*flash back ends*

That day you learned about the man. His name was Levi, we wasn't that much older then yourself, you both had the same likings and he secretly knew about the anime on your chemistry book. He asked if you liked Kaneki when he pointed at the sticker. You gestured him off and asked how he knew. Over the course of 4 months and a  day he finally decided to call you his girlfriend.

Levi sat in silence waiting for your answer. "I'm stupid, I didn't... I was stupid, I wanted you to love me Levi, I wanted you to ask me what I've been waiting for, I wanted a family, a pet, a future with you!" Levi sat silently. "If you would have waited till that evening I would have given you that answer." Your breath hitched. "Levi... You came home early that day... Why?" Levi placed the cup on the nightstand. He grabbed his jacket and walked to the doorway. He turned slowly. "I was gonna cook you dinner, I know you stay up late studying, you come home tired... I was going to ask you to marry me... But this happened... I'm going to sleep on the couch..." Levi closed the door slowly. You laid on the bed in fetus position. The smell of Eren lingered on the sheets. "Eren... I fucked up... If I never agreed to your proposal, your lying ways... This would never happened.."


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