21| you said no

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Read this if you said NO . YES is the other chapter 21 PLEASE ONLY PICK ONE EACH CHAPTER WILL BE WHAT YOU'VE PICKED.

"I'd rather die than listen to you." Levi sighed, he rubbed the pills with his thumb. "That's too bad." Levi moved swiftly to your mouth. He held your nose shut. Sending the air to your lungs to a stop. Without breathing through your nose, you have to open your mouth, if you do... he'll give you the pills. Refusing to open your mouth Levi pulled a Knife from his boot. "Now dear, we can do this the easy way or we could-" you spat onto Levi's cheek. His eyes held shut. "Guess this is the way we are going to go huh." Levi cut the side of your arm. The dark red liquid fell off the metal frame and onto the mattress. You held your eyes shut. "That's not working? Hmm. Let's try this." Levi stabbed your palm with the knife. A blood-curling scream escaped your lips. The pain from your palm pulsed throughout your body. Levi shoved the pills into your mouth. "It's not going to kill you. It's just going to calm you down, right love." Levi held his hand over your mouth. "Swallow it." You shook your head no. Levi pushed down on your jaw. "Swallow. It. NOW!" Tears streamed down your face. This man, whom you loved since you first met, is sitting on top of you, he stabbed you, scratched you, and now trying to kill you. Levi closed your nose again. "You're gonna need to breathe sometime... now swallow." You swallowed the pills slowly. Levi removed his hand from your mouth. Small coughs and whimpers escaped your mouth. He won, he will always win. Levi is on top, he can make anyone do what he wants...

Even You.

Drool from your mouth covered his hand. "Ugh, disgusting." Levi grabbed the blanket and covered you. "Shhh sleep now. We have big plans for tomorrow." Levi began to walk away. "I'm not doing anything with you! I hate you! You're a disgusting pig, Levi!" You shouted from the bed. Levi turned around and smiled evilly. "Well then begins our practices isn't it. Unless you want a way out." You shot a glare at Levi. "What kind of way out?" Levi smiled and walked slowly back to you. "Well..l could fix you, I'll fix your hand, your poor hand. But you have to listen to me" you thought about this offer. He wasn't really offering you a choice. "I want my hand fixed, and my arm then we will talk about this." Levi sighed and walked out of the room. He came back moments later with a medical kit. He cleaned and wrapped your hand and arm. He occasionally mumbled to himself about the people around him and how much he hates this and knows it's wrong. "Now your hand is wrapped. Tell me what do you want to do?" You watched as Levi reached for his boot. "Well, what are your options." Levi pulled the same knife out of his boot. "Well, I'll give you two options I'll let you go, but I won't stop hunting for you. I'll find you. I'm good at finding people you know... or you marry me. I'll take care of you... because I love you"

Authors note:

Drown (Levi Ackerman x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now