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(Name) POV

The white hospital gown stayed snug against my body. In the course of 2 weeks I've done nothing by mourn in my hospital room. Erens Funeral was 3 days after the accident between Mikasa and I. The service was beautiful. Everyone from the Suvery Corps company came to pay respect. (Name) was confused because she believed Eren was a Titan, not of the survey corps. She brushed off her conspiracies in hope to find the answers later.

I lost Eren and my future child in one week. The doctor did tell Levi little information about the unborn child, such as the gender, and how long the baby was inside me. The only thing Levi told me was the child was 5 months. Levi was hesitant at first, This child was conceived before Levi and I broke it off. Questions flooded about why it didn't show up on tests. Levi brushed off the topic and asked me was what were the names and if it was a boy or girl. (Boys name) if it was a boy and (girl's name) for the girl is what Eren and I agreed on after bickering on Anime characters and Movie stars, we came to a closing. Levi didn't speak of anything else, only that the names were beautiful.

Armin and Jean visited every day. They came around noon and stayed for an hour. Armin would spark a conversation on traveling or the new topics in the marine life, while Jean agreed and disagreed on who to bring and what Game Of Thrones character he wanted on the Iron Throne. After Mikasa and my quarrel, she left the house and stayed in her hotel room. She couldn't bear being around me after she knew what she had done. Mikasa felt guilty and innocent making her hesitantly whether to visit (name) or not. The doctor asked what happened and why I came in beaten up. I told them I took a tumble down a vast set of stairs. He questioned Levi and Levi told him the same story. The doctor said nothing was damaged only internal bruising.

The room door clicked open. A nurse came in with a tray of food. The food here was bland and tasteless. Although everything seems bland and tasteless lately. The nurse placed the tray on the side. She walked over and set up the holder. After she finished she smiled and placed the food down. "Chicken soup and a fruit cup today Ms. (last name)." (Name) grabbed her spoon and thanked the nurse.

The nurse nodded her head and walked to the door. Before she grabbed the handle she turned around slowly. "I'm sorry about your daughter Ms. (Last Name). If it were me, I wouldn't be in mourning right now, I'd kill the son of a - I mean I'd raise hell." The nurse rushed out of the room before (name) could respond. "A girl." (Name) croaked. She hold her lower tummy and clutched it lightly. (Name) pushed the tray away from her body. "A girl! It was a girl! It was (Girls Name)!"  (Name) covering her head with the blanket sheet. She let out a puffed air as the room door opened. She heard shuffling and the tray being cleaned up.

(name) felt her shoulder was given a shake. She peeked her head from under her blanket. Levi stood next to the bed frame. "How long are you gonna lay here doing nothing? You have money going to waste every day you spend here, you are wasting the doctor's time." (Name) was used to Levi talking to her like this. When (name) failed a test or got in trouble at school, Levi would talk her out of it. Levi sat down on the couch next to her bed. (Name) turned around and stared Levi in the face. "(Girls name)... That was her name right." Levi glanced at (name). "How did you know it was a she?" (Name) pulled her blankets up to her shoulder. "She told me. The nurse." Levi sighed and held the bridge of his nose. "Women should have stayed out of your file." (Name) huffed and felt her tears build up. "It's okay, (Girls Name) is with Eren now. He's not alone." Levi grabbed (name) hand. "Eren will take care of her, he's not alone anymore, (name) do you think (girls name) and Eren wants to see you curled up in bed, crying over them?" (Name) wiped her tear. "No." Levi squeezed her hand. "What would they have wanted? If it were me, I'd want you to remember the good times for a few days, then get back on your feet, and live your life." (Name) held her mouth. "I want to see her. I want to see Mikasa." Levi's grip tightened. He didn't wanna see Mikasa. Mikasa would tell her he didn't want Levi near her. He would tell her he was a murderer.

Drown (Levi Ackerman x Female Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ