23 | yes (Final Chapter)

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In all good stories the girl gets the boy. They have a amazing relationship. They have everything the way they want it. Except, this isn't a happy story, this isn't a happy ending. (Name) sadly will have to marry Levi, sadly she will die. She chose this path. She chose to marry him to get out of here... she did... but not alive.


After you finished your business in the bathroom you stared at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes baggy from lack of nutrition and sleep. Your wrists and ankles bruised from the chains around them. Your stomach growled in protest. You needed a shower. You needed food. Levi knocked on the door lightly. "Are you almost done in there." You sighed and remembered. You can get out of here. Play it smart. You opened the door. "Yes thank you Levi." Levi lead you back to the room. You sat on the bed and waited for him to chain you back up. Don't fight him. Don't struggle. Let him handle this. Let him do what he needs to. You got this (name). Levi was still standing there observing you. "You got skinnier... and pale." You looked back at him and sighed. If Levi couldn't see that yes he is physically changing you from the woman you were, than getting away from him could be easy. "I haven't eaten... I haven't showered... I haven't walked for a few days Levi. I'm getting sick." Levi's face softened. "Why didn't you say anything brat." You slowly raised your head towards Levi. "I didn't want to disappoint you, your scary when you're mad." Levi's hand clenched. You dropped your head back down to the floor. "I'm sorry. I'll shut up." Levi walked toward the bed. "No. It's okay. I should be sorry. I promise I'll take care of you." Levi ran his hands through your hair slowly getting aggressive. "Because I love you." You watched as Levi slowly gripped your hair and pull it back slowly. "You love me too?"

You nodded your head as he pulled it closer to his. " you do? Then kiss me." Slowly you eyed down at his lips. Levi neared your face slowly. You mustered up all the love you had left for him and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. Levi closed his eyes and smiled. "You're like a drug, I can't get enough." Levi places a rough kiss on your lips. He gripped your head tighter. Finally, he pulled away. "You'll sleep with me tonight. Your treat." You nodded and followed Levi hand in hand to his room. His bedroom had a king-sized bed, a shelf, and 3 different doors. He leads you next to the bed and lets go of your hand. "I'll get you a change of clothes, your filthy, and I don't want you to ruin the satin sheets with your body sweat." He walked to the shelf and opened it. He searched for a pair of sweats and a shirt.

He handed them to you and opened the first door. "This is the bathroom. Please. Shower." You walked into the bathroom. "Thank you, Levi..." Levi scrunched his face in a grimace. "Hurry up! I don't got all night." Levi slammed the door. A click came from the door. You sighed and knew what he had done. He locked the door. You followed Levi's commands and jumped into the shower. It wasn't hard to work the shower it was just like the one at home. You washed your hair and body vastly hoping Levi wouldn't come in. You came out and grabbed a towel. You dried yourself and then wrapped your hair. Levi didn't give you a change of undergarments which was upsetting. Wearing the sweats without anything under ticked you more. You dressed and waited for Levi to unlock the door. You heard a shuffle from the other side of the door, then the click. He opened the door and saw you standing before him. "I made food. You should eat." You followed behind Levi into the next room. The table was set with only one dish. He sat next to the dish, he gestured for you to sit in front of it. "It's not much but it's something filling." You sat down and was a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Levi tched you smiled at him. "My favorite." Levi laid back in the chair and sighed. "So... what are you gonna do now, Mrs. Ackerman." He tapped his fingers lightly on the table.

You scooped some of the liquid into your mouth. What am I gonna do? I have to make Levi happy. No matter what. You need to get out of here. No matter what it takes. You looked back at Levi. "Well can I go to school?" Levi sighed and rubbed his hands through his hair. "No." You inhaled and held it. You wanted to snap back at Levi. School is expensive. School especially this one was a private school. Your own parents are paying for it. You exhaled slowly and nodded. "Okay. No school, I'll withdraw and quit. How about work?" You scooped more soup into your mouth. "No, I make more than 2 secretaries' salaries in a year in a day." You smiled lightly at Levi. "Okay, I'll stay here, and do what I need to, just tell me..."

Drown (Levi Ackerman x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now