Chapter 1

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There was commotion throughout the palace as the guards dragged a girl, who was in her teenage years, down the hall into the throne room. Without hesitation, one of the guards threw her to the ground. Her small body held many wounds, from the torture she was put through. At the head of the throne room, King Athan looked down at the girl as she struggled to stand up.

" So, she's the one?" he questioned. The guard nodded. The queen, Fayla glanced at her husband before looking back at the guards. "Have her stand."

On command, the guard grabbed her white hair, causing the girl to scream out in pain. She was lifted by her ropes and placed back on the ground. She could feel the pain in her scalp. She looked up at the King and Queen. To the right were their twin boys, Dillus and Leon. King Athan unrolled the scroll and read it aloud as he looked at her, " You have committed treason against the citizens and the nobles. I have heard from one of the guards that you resisted arrest, causing one of them to be killed."

The girl sighed as she rubbed her fingers against her palm. She could still feel some dry blood from the ropes," I had no choice!" she shouted.

The guard behind her kicked the back of her leg, making her fall on one knee. She bit her lip and looked at the guard from the corner of her eye. The king cleared his throat, attracting her attention once more.

" Who are you? Not much information is known."

She took a quick scan around the room. There weren't many guards around protecting the royals.

She smirked as she answered," Selina."

Queen Fayla sighed and turned to face her husband. " We should just execute her. She caused enough trouble in the city as well as killing one of our guards. Do you really want to leave her alive?" King Athan ignored his wife and cleared his throat once more.

" Selina, maybe I can make a deal with you."

Her brows ceased, " A deal?" She almost let a laugh slip out. She thought he was joking. " What kind of deal do you propose?" The king stood up and stepped down from his throne. The queen stood up, but prevented herself from running to him. King Athan stood in front of her, waiting for her to stand up. The leg the guard had kicked was still aching as she was forced to stand.

" The deal I have you is that you will serve for the North in the war."

" A war?" It almost sounded innocent. Selina frowned, trying remember something about a war happening, but she didn't remember anything. " What war?"

" The war between the North and South. Never mind the history, but just agree on fighting for the North.

Selina nodded. She had only wanted to get out of these ropes that were cutting her skin. The king smiled and walked back to his throne. " But, there is one more thing. Since you have committed treason, you have to make up for it in another way as well."

" What is that?"

" Dillus." The oldest of the two stood tall. Selina took her time to examine his appearance. She noted that he looked responsible enough to become king. His black hair had come his mother. Even from where she was she could see that his eyes were green. " You will be trained for the war, as well as standing next to him for marriage."

" Marriage?" she repeated. " I don't know anything about my heritage and you're forcing me to marry a prince, that I don't even know?"

" When you turn fourteen," the king finished. " However, we don't know your age."

" I don't know either," she admitted. " However, it is unfair that you can treat me like a prisoner."

Dillus glanced at her and quickly shook his head. Selina frowned and turned her attention back to the king. His brows were ceased and his knuckles were turning white. " I have given you something prisoners do not get and here you are throwing it back in my face."

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