Chapter 26

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   In the dungeon, Prima and Elise had thrown Vesta into the cage, waiting until she woke up. Her body was beaten up by the guards. Each of them had their own plans of what to do with her, but Prima had just thrown her into the cage in order to prevent her powers from coming through once more. Minutes later, she woke up and found the scars on her skin. 

" What did you do to me?" she demanded to know. She turned her head towards Prima, whom looked solemn at her. " Prima, you would throw your own friend in here?" 

" My own friend who watched my father and mother hold a knife against my neck?" she questioned. " We have never been friends. You and my older brother were suppose to get married and have an heir." 

" What about it? Your brother loved me." 

" He hated you. I have seen what real love looks like with Dillus and Selina. A northerner like Leon cares more about me than my own family." 

" At least he didn't fuck you silly until you were knocked out," she said through gritted teeth. 

" No, because my husband cares about my feelings. Our family is cruel, almost like you. You killed my younger brother and that brought my mother sadness and it was taken out on me along with my father. You caused me pain." 

" Maybe that pain was not good enough for you." 

Prima felt her a lump in her throat. Just talking to the girl made her feel like she had courage. 
" Now, I will see that the King will punish you for your crimes and for stabbing his wife in the stomach. Perhaps, that will make you think twice about your decisions." 

" But what about your father? Dillus would bring him here and cut off his head in front of everyone. Along with your mother and brothers." 

" I do not care anymore," she said solemnly. " All I want is to live a happy life with my husband and the children I will birth later on in my life. I must be going now, I can already here Selina screaming her head off." 

" She's giving birth," Elise explained. " The messenger sent a letter saying the King is bringing Marc as we speak. That was yesterday, I suppose they must be close." 


Gods this pain was unbearable. 

Selina kept in her screams and listened to Lily as she told her not to push yet. " Why can't I push?!" she screamed. 

" Because they are not ready to come out yet. Your water may have been broken, but the babies take time to come out. I will tell you when it's the time to push." 

" Are you sure this is right?" Rosemary asked. She could feel herself getting light headed. All of the blood that was coming out of her body was unbearable for her. 

" I'm sure. Perhaps this will give Dillus some time to come back. Rosemary, when he arrives warn him that Selina is giving birth and he better hurry." 

" A-alright!" she exclaimed, running out of the room. 

" Selina, you must be strong." 

" I can't do this! This is painful! I never thought giving birth would be this painful!" 

" Of course it is!" Lily exclaimed. " You're pushing two human beings out of your body. I suppose from the wound on your stomach, it made it harder for you." 

" I hate this Lily! This make this end now!" 

" Not yet," the healer said. " I should be getting the other healers in here along with Maura. She can handle keeping you company just until Dillus arrives." 

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