Chapter 29

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" What would you do now, My Lady?" 

   The Queen of the North looked out  the window, remembering all the bad memories they have left behind. They have fought until the end of the civil war, even killing the King and his companion. Seeing Vesta's head roll off the stand made her heart ache, but she knew no one would left her get away with any of the treason she had committed. 

" I do not know Eleanor," she answered. " Perhaps my husband and I will live our lives in peace. Sebastian is gone, but his cousins remain. They will be good people to our children." The Queen turned to find a small bump underneath the servant's clothing. It had only been three months since their marriage and Eleanor was already carrying Alistair's child. " Maybe everything will be settled when the children become of age." 

" Are you planning on having another child?" she asked. " Queen Fayla has suggested you and your husband have another child." 

" I do not know." 

Eleanor nodded, getting her bath ready. " Here, your bath is ready." 


It seemed like they haven't done this in forever. Eleanor tending to Selina's wounds on her small body. Most of them have healed, but there are others that could still reopen. The only one whom was considerate about her scars was her husband, for he didn't mind and kissed them without hesitation. " The Prince and Princess have grown for the last couple of months. I won't be surprised if one of them grow taller than you, My Lady." 

" It's sad to think about that at the moment," she muttered. " And what have I told you? Just Selina is fine, or my old nickname Phoebe."

" I fear I would be punished for not using your title." 

" Nonsense! I am the queen and I will tell them that I allow you to call me by my name." 

Eleanor chuckled. " Besides that, Fayla is becoming the King's regent now. He said she stopped mourning over her husband's death and now wants to help out around the kingdom. Even if he doesn't allow it sometimes." 

" Every son needs his mother's help every once and a while." 

" I do not know. Dillus is quite prideful sometimes. Though, he is always proved wrong by his mother and brother. Hopefully, this kingdom will improve once more before this era shall end." 

Selina nodded confidently. " When a new king rises, so does another era." 


He found his older brother standing above the table, as if he was planning another war. Leon watched as his brother used chess pieces to think everything through. Seconds later, Dillus turned around, noticing his brother's appearance. " Leon." 

" Brother." 

" I-I didn't know you were around." 

" What are you planning? Finishing your chess game from Selina?" he teased. His older brother chuckled before turning his head back to the board.

" No, I was thinking of something. If another war shall take place in the future, I wanted to be prepared and not scramble for another plan." 

" Smart," he commented. 

" It's hard, being a King brother. Honestly, seeing men--who were my friends, die before my eyes makes a man change his personality. I'm just glad Ulfic and Rowan made it out of there, in order to take care of their children. I was happy." 

" I saw Rowan at the chapel the other day, thanking the Gods. They were never ready for war, but they were forced to go brother." 

" Father forced them," he explained. 

" And caused their families to get worried," he said, walking over to Dillus. He slapped his hand on his older brother's back, causing him to flinch. " Anyway, I'm surprised those little brats are getting bigger. Katelyn was grabbing onto my doublet the other day." 

" She likes you," his brother explained. 

" She does that with you I assume?" 

" Of course. She's my little girl after all. When are you and Prima suppose to have your child?" He watched as his brother nervously rubbed the back of his neck. " She still hasn't showed any signs I guess." 

" No signs," he admitted. 

" Something will happen brother. Perhaps, it's not the time but I know she will have a child within a year. Do you love her?" 

Leon nodded. " See, then you must trust her with your heart. There are certain positions to where she would be pregnant with a boy soon. However, sometimes it wouldn't work and have a girl instead. Though, you must love both of them if that's the case." 

His brother nodded again. " Of course brother." 


He found his wife standing in front of the window in their chambers. Her gown had lightly slipped off her shoulders, showing the thin scars she had gained. The Queen turned around once the door closed slowly. She smiled once she found her husband standing near the door. 

" Dillus." 

" How are you doing?" 

" Better than usual. The palace was quite today and the children are sleeping at the moment." 

" So they weren't a hassle today? Good to know, I have heard from Leon that Kateyln had held  onto him just the other day and refused to leave." 

" Maybe she thought it was you," Selina suggested. " You and Leon might not be identical, but you surely have the same appearance. She is simply confused." 

Dillus smiled, putting his arm around his wife's waist, pulling her closer. " I know." The King kissed the crescent moon that was on her forehead. 

" Why do you always kiss me there?" she asked. " Most men have shuddered at the thought of finding this thing on my forehead. You, on the other hand, are calm seeing it." 

" In the North, men usually kiss their wife's scars as a sign of love." 

" And I have a lot of them. So, it's unconditional love I assume." 

He chuckled, kissing her again. " Of course. I will always love you, no matter what happens." 

" And I will as well." 

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