Chapter 6

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" I did not know chess was your kind of game," Selina said, placing the piece on the table. Dillus examined her move before moving his piece. " It is better than hunting. Just thinking of a plan for a game is quite entertaining."

Dillus looked up when she made her move. It seemed like was carelessly moving her pieces. She had a bored look on her face as they played. She losing the game at the moment. " You should start caring," he told her.

" About a silly game? Reality is more important than this."

Dillus gave her a small smile before moving another piece. " If you're becoming my wife, then you should learn about my hobbies." Selina scoffed as she moved another piece. He had stolen most of her pieces, causing her to only have about five left. " I have never seen you smile," he suddenly said.

" Smile? I don't smile."

" You can, but you're just too lazy to. The people want their new queen to smile and welcome them all."

" I will do that, but smiling is something I can not do." She put her hand on her cheek as she slammed another piece down on the board. She felt that something had happened which is reason why she does not smile anymore. Her fingers lightly touched the scar that was on her left arm. She couldn't remember the last time she wore shoes either. Her feet were bruises badly along with open wounds.

Dillus sighed and another one of her pieces. " You only have a king and queen left. You lose the game."

" The game is not over unless you take them from me."

Dillus chuckled and took the pieces from the board. " I thought it was interesting."

" Not really," Selina said, "but right now I hope those southerners are not thinking about attacking another city."

" The southerners," Dillus said bitterly. He had a great passion of hatred for them, which was not explained. Selina watched as his expression changed when he spoke of them.

" What is bad about them?" she asked.

" They started this war," he said. His voice had gotten deeper as he talked about them. " It all began when my grandfather was appointed king. He had different beliefs than them about separation of the classes. He had a great idea, but the southerners had hated it."

" So what happened after that? I thought the war started after your father was born."

" It did but when my father was appointed king, something happened that made everything go downhill."

" And what was that?" she questioned.

Dillus fiddled with the king piece in his hands. He pretended that it was the southerners' king, Marc. His brows ceased, " They killed my grandfather. Assassinated is a better term. He was announcing a treaty about the disagreement they had back then. We all though it was a new start, but they killed him in public. He was murdered in cold blood." His grip increased around the king's piece. In rage, he threw it across the room, causing it to split.

Selina jumped at his outburst. She never excepted him, out of all people, freak out like that. Heat started rising in his face once more. It was out of rage more than anything. Tears had threatened to run down his face. He tried to cease them, but they escaped his eyes. He quickly covered his face.

" You shouldn't see your future husband cry like this."

" No, it's alright. I had never seen someone cry like that. know, you and him close?" Dillus nodded as he wiped his tears. " He was very kind to me. I was there when he was killed. It was an arrow to the head, entering his skull."

Selina looked down at her lap. She felt bad about asking such a question now. She stood up when she spoke, " I'm sorry for asking you that. I guess I should be looking up some research instead of asking you."

Dillus shook his head, " No, that's alright. Head to your room now, Eleanor and Maura might be waiting for you."

Selina nodded and left the prince in the room.


She could hear someone calling her.

She opened her eyes and found nothing but pitch black. Her feet gently landed on the ground as she looked around. Little figures stared appearing in the space as she walked around. A village started to appear and the ground was now visible. Little kids past her as she looked around. She tried to move out of the way, but the kids just ran through her. She turned around to find a crescent moon visible on her forehead.

Selina frowned at the sight, but she continued walking. The village looked older than the city itself. She found a tent that was bigger than the rest of them. When she peered inside, she found a couple smiling broadly with a newborn baby in their arms. The infant's skin was pale compared to their parents. The woman had a crescent moon on her forehead like the baby. Both of them had white hair while the man had dark brown hair. They both looked like they were the leaders of the village.

" She's beautiful," the woman said in disbelief. " What should we name her?"

The man gently pulled the blanket from her face before smiling once more. "She has the moon on her forehead, so how about Selina? After the moon."

The teenager stared at the couple in horror. The scene started to fade away, leaving Selina in the dark once more. The dead bodies had appeared around her, as well as fire. She found the couple's bodies along with the baby. The newborn was crying louder than before as her mother's arm was loosely wrapped around her small body.

As the scenes changed, Selina became older but in one scene she was running down the hall. She was trying to catch up to herself, but she was too fast for her. She had people chasing her with lustful looks in their eyes. One of the men grabbed her and threw her to the ground. The teenager screamed as she was dragged by her hair and her clothing was torn. The man took out a sword and stabbed her shoulder.

" Shut your mouth, unless you want to die." Selina eyed the man before looking at the other men. One of them had opened her legs as she kicked at them. She managed to hit one of the men in the face, but that had earned a slap across her cheek. When she fell to the ground, she found a knife under the table. The man had grabbed her legs once more, just after she took the knife. The man grinned but the grin slowly faded when she stabbed him in the neck. The other men slowly backed away from the girl and managed to run away. Selina shakily looked down at the man, the knife falling from her hands.

She had killed someone.

Someone who would most likely be missed.

The teenager looked at her younger self as they cried over the dead man. There was blood running down her leg and it stained her gown. Selina covered her ears and shouted, " Leave me alone. I hate this place."


She woke up suddenly, her breath ragged. She quickly scanned the room, as if there was a threat. Selina jumped once someone had knocked on the door. Eleanor appeared in the room with a smile on her face.

" Are you awake now?" she asked. She had a gown in her hands that was suppose to be for her wedding night. Her smile faded when she looked at Selina. " Are you alright? You seem to have woken up from a nightmare."

" I have," she said, wiping the sweat from her forehead. She felt something cold pooling around her legs as Eleanor walked over. She slowly moved the sheet from her lower body and gasped at the sight. There was blood around her legs and it had stained the sheets. The crescent wielder rose up her gown to see it had gotten everywhere. Eleanor looked down at the blood before to Selina.

" It happened," she muttered.

" What happened?" she asked, her voice getting higher. She watched Eleanor ran into the hallway with a shocked look on her face. Selina examined the blood on the sheets. She had never experienced something like this before, but she assumed it was not good.

A couple of minutes later, the queen entered her room along with Eleanor. The queen examined the blood stain on the sheets and nodded. " You're a woman now. You have reached fourteen."

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