Chapter 9

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Selina walked the streets of the town with Dillus and Sebastian. The silence between the two cousins made her feel like she was the center of attention. Neither of them talked to one another, only to her. When they were in the middle of town, Selina took a deep breath before speaking, " What are we doing Dillus?" she asked.

" I wanted to take you to the Dawstrong household. Their two eldest sons are leaving for the war later on."

" You mean the two that were at your party?" she asked.

" Yes, they're the only ones that were invited."

" I wish I was invited," Sebastian suddenly said.

" You weren't allowed to come for a reason."

And that's when it was silent once more. The teenager sighed and looked around the town to distract herself from the two boys.


The Dawstrong household was bigger than she imagined. She assumed it must have been an adventure when they were younger. She continued looking around,finding unique toys and ones that looked that they were built by a child's hands. Manifred, the leader greeted the two royals.

" Prince Dillus and Prince Sebastian. It is nice to see you here."

" Same as you," Dillus said.

Selina stepped from behind Dillus to see the elder. He looked quite young from her imagination. She thought he would be almost in his old age by now. " Ah, is this your new bride?" he asked, taking the teenager's hand. "She doesn't look like a threat, as King Athan has said."

Selina chuckled nervously. " So, that's what I've been called? Sadly, I have heard worse."

" Worse?" Manifred questioned.

" Cursed Child, by your daughter and brother in fact."

Manifred dropped her hand and took a step back. " You're the crescent moon child? I have heard that you killed a guard in one hit. Yet still, the king is sending my sons to war in order to keep it under control with their abilities."

" Magic?" she questioned. " Are theirs really that strong?"

" Only in certain families," Dillus answered. " See, the Nightwood family in the South has abilities, the same as the Dawstrong family. Of course, if King Marc sent the two oldest to war, there would be no more land to fight over."

" What do you mean by that?"

" Everything would be destroyed. Of course, I think your family had the same thing. So I've hearf from Eleanor and Alistair."

" And I assumed that our child would have the same thing," she muttered under her breath.

The noble clapped his hands, attracting their attention. " Now, now no more talk about the war. My wife wanted to meet you when she saw you at the party."


His wife's name was Mabel. She looked younger than Manifred himself, but the years of taking care of kids made her seem older than she seemed. Her black hair was slowly turning white through the years. She smiled and urged the teenager to take a seat. Dillus and Sebastian were about to take a seat before Mabel told them not to. " My grandchildren have been looking forward to seeing you again, Prince Dillus. Gabriella was one of those children."

" Gabriella?" the crescent wielder questioned.

" Ulfic's daughter," he answered. " The eldest son of the Dawstrong family. She was at the party as well."

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