Chapter 18

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 Dillus swore his heart stopped. As those words came from Lily's mouth, he thought it might have been possible. " Pregnant? How?" 

" How many times have you and her make love? Three? Four times? It is hard to get women pregnant, but I assume it had something to do with her family. They must have high fertile rates and during these times, it is uncommon." 

" That girl stabbed her in the stomach. How did the baby survive that?" 

" Again, her blood. I think when a moon wielder is pregnant the child is protected with their power. When that girl stabbed her in the stomach, the child must have been ready for the impact, because they look unharmed. It seems like she did not know she was with child either. I have never meet with her about such things, nor have I seen signs until now." 

The prince let out a dry chuckle before leaning on the wall. He could not imagine his wife being pregnant. Sure, he knew she would be eventually, but it had been during the war and he found out at the worst time.

" My prince, I know you did not want to know at this time, but you had to find out eventually." 

" I know that, but my father had just died and now I find out I am going to be a father. I do not know whether I should be happy or sad. Hugging my wife or mourning over my father's death." 

The healer sighed before rubbing his shoulder. She had been like another mother figure to him when he was younger, when Queen Fayla had no time for him or his brother. Now that the queen would be mourning, it was her turn to act like a mother again. " Listen to me Dillus. I understand being a father is tough, from the King's perspective of taking care of you boys. But, he loved you dearly and that is all you ever needed. You were alone quite a lot, but they still loved you. Now, show your wife some love when she wakes up. Maura and I have some business to attend to before sunrise. Another battle to clean up after." 

" And what if I can't? You took care of my brother and I without any trouble." 

" Because I already had my own children and they are gone now too." The healer laughed lightly, running her fingers through his hair. " I do not think I have told you this, but you and your brother remind me of my twin son and daughter. Both of them were fill of energy and always wanted to play with me and their father." 

" Emeline and Alex," he muttered. 

" Remember I had started working here before they died. Their father was protective of them and loved them dearly, played with them. What I am saying is, take care of them and make sure you show them lots of love. That is all you need when you have children." Lily walked down the hall, leaving the prince to gather his thoughts. 

Minutes later, he entered the room where his wife was resting. Prima had been resting her head on Leon's lap and fell asleep. Maura looked up when the prince entered the room. " Prince Dillus, what is it you look pale." 

" I have been thinking Maura. Now, please may I stay by my wife for the rest of the night. Not think about battle plans or fighting anyone. I just want to be alone with her." 

" As you wish brother," Leon said as he carried his wife. 

" Make sure she rests up. She needs all her strength when the final battle begins," Maura told him. 

" I know, be safe tonight." 


 She had woken up in the morning to find her husband resting his head on her chest. He was breathing lightly and his hand was on her stomach. She wondered what time he had gone to sleep or if he just came in here. The wielder slowly rose up and put his head on her lap, where he continued to sleep soundly. As minutes passed, the prince started to wake up to find his wife smiling down at him. 

" How long was I out for?" 

" I do not know. I just woke up." She allowed him to sit up and straighten his tunic. " Did the king escape?" 

" I am afraid so. Leon and I could not defeat him since he held Prima with a dagger in his hand. If we charged at him, she would have died right there." 

" I see. What happened when I was out?" 

" He wanted us to surrender by the end of next year. If we don't then he will destroy the land, killing everyone in this town." 

" He is cruel," she muttered. 

" Cruel enough to try and kill his own daughter." He took his wife's hand and gently rubbed it. 
" Selina, Lily told me something last night. Something important. It had to deal with your stomach." 

" Was the wound worse than we thought?" 

" No, in fact because of your relationship with the moon your body healed the wound quickly. Lily explained that she only had to heal a little before your body took over. But that is not what else there is. She also said you were pregnant." 

The wielder frowned at him. " Pregnant? But don't you have to feel sick and everything before you think you're pregnant." 

He nodded. " That is what the problem is." 

" How on earth did the child survive the stabbing?" 

" She said your power shielded the child before the impact. In other words, the child is unharmed and is quite healthy at the moment." 

Selina brought her hands to her stomach, feeling the small bump. She was sure she had no signs beforehand, but there was something strange about knowing she had life inside her stomach. 
" What will happen now that I am with child? Will I still be able to fight in the war and help put an end to the King's life?" 

" I do not know. I am the King now since my father has passed. I must come up with another plan before they would attack us again." 

" Let me help you. I lost one battle, I must fight that girl before she can kill me once more." 

" She is the same as you right?" the prince asked. 

Selina bit her lip. " Vesta, the daughter of the moon," she amused. " She most likely married the eldest son or is their greatest weapon as well. I must fight her again, in a fair match I should say." 

" And what happens when she gets a hold of you and the baby? We do not know how long you are. You have a bump so it must be around five moons. You are almost there to give birth. I do not want to risk the chance of you and the baby getting hurt." 

" How is you suppose to win this war if you do not let me fight?"

" Win the old fashioned way. During my grandfather's rule, we never had people whom were born from certain clans. My grandfather fought hard until his final breath and that man is still alive, killing innocent people. I can not have my wife and my unborn child fighting in a war and close to death. You almost died the night before and I do not want you to be killed." 

The wielder rubbed her stomach gently as she looked at her husband. She knew he just wanted her safe, but she could not help but help out. It was not just that, she wanted to kill that girl for hurting her and her unborn child. 

" I will rip out her blond hair," she said through clenched teeth. 

Dillus chuckled at his wife's wish. He believed she just might make that happen.

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