Chapter 28

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In the night, the Queen walked down to the dungeon, to see the cursed child before her execution in the morning. One of the guards had wanted to prevent her from going, but he allowed it anyway. He led her down the hallway, until they reached Vesta's cell.

" Please, leave us," she told him.

The guard nodded and walked back to his post. The daughter of the sun looked up at the Queen, a smile appearing upon her lips. " Well, isn't this a surprise? I have heard you were the one who was to be executed the first time, but they had changed it if I remembered correctly."

" King Athan was very kind," she told her.

" But you were forced to marry the Prince, whom didn't treat you with respect."

" Dillus treated me with enough respect. He did not do anything to be on our wedding night nor did he mistreat me in any other way. I assume you were married to Prince Prescott before his death?"

Vesta nodded. " The man only wanted me to bare his child. Until now, I am not pregnant with one."

" Our blood is different to telling us pregnancy. It happened when you stabbed me at the wedding, that was when I found out I was with a child. Two to be exact."

The daughter of the sun scoffed as she fell against the cold wall. The open wounds on her back had started to burn. " Well, sounds like you had a good time being someone's wife. But how is that going to effect you when you get older? You would be married to a King, who would most likely suffocate from all the power he is receiving now that his father is gone. Your children would see how power hungry their father would come to be."

Selina stepped back as she shook her head. " No, there's no way Dillus would become like that. He has Leon and I, along with Prima and his cousins. He would never do something like that."

" But didn't his cousin try to hit on you? What was his name? Sebastian?"

"W-where did you hear that name?" the Queen stuttered.

" I heard it from that Alistair fellow who grabbed my hair earlier. Perhaps you have cheated on your husband once he left for the battle." Vesta grinned. " You must have been lonely and begged him to come into your bed."

Selina could feel her fingernails tear her cloak. " I have done no such thing," she said through gritted teeth. " I have been loyal to my husband since the day we married."

She scoffed. " Well, how about you go and bother your husband?"

" No."

" No?"

" No, because I want to know about our heritage. You seem to know more about our family, our home, and our religion. Now, would you be so kind to explain everything to me."

The daughter of the sun chuckled. " And why would I do that?"

" Because I can kill you in cold blood, just in this cell. Once you blink, you would find yourself lying on the ground in cold blood. You won't even make it to our own execution."

" Sounds fun, but...I guess I can explain something to you about our heritage." She chuckled.
" Really, I never thought we would be talking about this before my execution, but I guess I have to explain this to you before I leave this world."

The daughter of the sun looked at the daughter of the moon, waiting for her to nod. " Well, we come from another country that's almost like the elves. I'm sure Fayla has talked about the Elven War?"

" She has."

" Before any of the wars had happened our village people had found out that they had the crescent moon and the sun emblem craved into our skins. From what I know about the Moon Village they had the strongest woman and a man from another clan had to make a child together."

" I did see something like that in my dream," she told her.

" They were your parents then. I had the same dream when I was younger, I had seen two people holding a baby with a sun emblem on their body. I had assumed it was me."

" So we can see these flashbacks in our dreams when we lose our memories."

" Sounds about right. Though, the sun and the moon are rivals. That was my reason for trying to kill you at the wedding, not just because you're a Northerner."

" Just because of my blood?" she questioned.

" That blood had saved your child. You should be happy that your children have lived."

" Why are you happy for me? Weren't you the one who tried to kill me and my child?"

Vesta smiled. " That is the reason why I am in this cell. Perhaps my execution will be merciless and I can meet my parents to where the Gods have taken them."

" I pray the Gods they take you to where your parents are. If...if we have been on the other sides of the war, if we had never been involved with this then we could have been friends. I wouldn't have to be here, listening to your suffering as they prepare to cut off your head."

" Save me your pity Daughter of the Moon. I have waited for death since the moment I was born."


The Queen swore she almost cried when Vesta was put on the block. Queen Fayla had held her grandson close, as if she was trying to blind his eyes from the gruesome scene that was about to occur. The new Queen had felt tears falling from her eyes as the sword came down on her neck. The daughter of the sun's head rolled off the stand, a line of blood following her. She almost looked at peace when the deed was done.

Fayla noticed her daughter's uneasiness at the blood and quickly put her hand on her shoulder, rubbing it gently. " Don't worry, the time will pass when you don't remember such a thing."

" I think I will remember this."

" That is the thing about executions. You would remember these people for the rest of your life, knowing how cruel they were and how much they hurt people. But I reassure you that this girl will be forgotten as history continues."

Selina nodded. She then felt something wet slide down her cheek. It was then she realized that she was crying. Crying from a Southerner's death? This was something she couldn't understand.


She walked through the halls, her eyes solemn. The daughter of the sun told her everything about her family. It was deed she would never forget. Sebastian noticed the Queen walking down the hall and decided to surprise her by putting his hands on her shoulders. The wielder gasped and turned around as he smirked at her.

" Well, isn't the wielder a bit jumpy this evening?"

" I don't want to talk to you," she said sternly.

" Don't want to talk to me? I thought you found me attractive?"

" I never found you attracted in my life! You're the one who forced himself onto me and kissed me. Remember, I am to be telling Dillus about this."

" And why haven't you?" he asked. " I have kissed the Queen of Rimtown and she hasn't told her husband about another man kissing her. Sounds like you've been keeping secrets from your husband."

" I have been keeping his cousin safe so that you wouldn't have your head chopped off!"

" Do you really think I would do that?" Both of them turned around to find Dillus with his arms crossed. He walked towards the two of them, causing Selina to step back. " Did you really think I would be chopping off my cousin's head for kissing my wife?"

" I...didn't understand how you worked for punishments," she admitted.

" Sebastian, you would be be in serious trouble, but I would not consider cutting off your head. No matter how much I had wanted to."

" You would punish your own cousin?"

" If my own cousin had kissed my wife or even touched her in a certain way, then you would. I should be sending you back home to your father. Only Miranda and Rosemary would be allow to stay, no matter how annoying one of them is."

" Are you serious dear cousin?" he asked.

" I am."

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